ch 8 mirror mirror

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Sebastian was so busy dealing with the two fire fuckers that he lost track on his bullets "shit...not now.." Sebastian met a man name by Theodore, the man asked him to follow his path Sebastian said no and Theodore was mad therefor unleashed these two fuckers on him and more.

Sebastian ran out of bullets therefor he had to run and that he did. He ran for 40 mins and stopped he looked behide him they were not chasing him.
"Odd?...they where-" Sebastian turn foward to meet a face it was his child "lily! Its me dad!" Lily looked at him she turned and ran after her "lily wait please! " he slowed down to breath " getting old..." he thought. He walks down the hallway he was in and stops to see a room with one mirror in it, he looks around and goes into the room.

Sebastian enters the room and walks up to the mirror there he sees himself for a moment he then sees Stefano being choked then it went blur. "What the fuck is happening. .."Sebastian hears a Church sound he turns and sees Stefano Valentini fall to the ground.

"Oh shit its him..."Sebastian goes over to Stefano. ..

oof moreee chiffhangerss reeee

Love Or Madness (Stefano x Sebastian.)Where stories live. Discover now