ch 11 it ends.. [part 2 final]

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Sebastian fall for some time and hits the ground finally.

Stefano wakes up in a bit of pain and looks around "wheres Sebastian!?" Stefano said with look of concerned in his eyes the woman looks at him "he went to go save is child..." Stefano eyes widen, he knew Theodore wanted Sebastian to go and save her... shit he thought. He gets up in pain and walks to the door then he stops looks at the nurse, she did not stop him, she looks at him and nods then goes back to writing.

Stefano smiled a bit and he walked though the door and teleports to Theodore place.

Sebastian gets up and huffs from pain, he looks around the void of darkness... he was about to give up but then a huge crack of light and a way out of the dark hell there he walks to it more he got to the light the more brighter it gets, he covers his eyes and uncovers to meet Stefano.

"What the hell are you doing here Stefano!?" Sebastian said with a cough of horse in his voice.
"Come to help you dear Sebastian." Stefano said smiling a bit, Sebastian looks down and goes over to Stefano with a dark look "....but-" before Sebastian could post Stefano kiss his lips deeply while Stefano did Stefano aslo held his knife behide Sebastian back and dig it deeply though Sebastian back when he did Sebastian gasp a bit with a grunt. Stefano smirks with a bit of knowing Sebastian be remembering that for a while.

Sebastian push Stefano off breaking the kiss and pulls the knife out "what the fuck!" He said glaring at him, Stefano chuckled "lets get your kid back now." Sebastian sighs and nods.

Upon getting back to the place where he first met Theodore, getting gun ready and ignoring the thob of pain in his back area, Sebastian was ready and yelled "son of a bitch turd get your ass out here you fuck!" Theodore chuckled "well well it seems you made it back detective and look who it is its the art freak Stefano." Stefano looked at him and smirk "philistine" Stefano said and was getting his knife ready.

Theodore smirks and gets the fight ready. The the battle happn.
Stefano and Sebastian fighting to gather, Theodore had a trick up his slevee but he waited for the right moment to do it. The big fire freaks blazing their flame throws at the two men and they both nod, Sebastian shoots them and Stefano throws his knifes at them.

Both went down, Stefano huffs a bit then everything went in slow motion Stefano sees something white and sharp going to Sebastian Stefano eyes widen it was so quick even Sebastian eyes went wide Stefano telports in front of Sebastian and Stefano smiled while getting in plied blood came out of his mouth, the thing moves out of Stefano, he falls to the ground Sebastian kneels down and picks him up "you better not...die on me." He told Stefano with a bit of tears going down his face.

Stefano wipes the tear away from Sebastian slowly"Ha...ha...why" Stefano turn his head at the ceiling and then back at Sebastian.

" ..piec-...." that was Stefano last words before vanishing into roses floating away. Sebastian eyes widen and holds on to the rose Petal tears form. He clutched his fist and held his tears and the rose petal.

Sebastian stands up and his face darkens "it seems he is no more." Theodore said with a bit of no care in the world then before Theodore can speak he was shot by the shotgun from Sebastian few more shots and Theodore was on his knees and Sebastian walks up to him holding Stefanos knife Theodore looks up and slash
Theodore was no more.

-after saving his wife and child-

Sebastian gets out of STEM and looks at kidman she smiles and kidman goes to take lily out of STEM while she was doing that Sebastian felt a bit sad. The he remember he gets out of the tube and checks his pocket there it was... Stefano Valentini rose petal.

" were a great fighter and a creepy son of a bitch..."
Lily looks at her father and hugs him and her mother she smiled at them and giggles a bit then stops and looks at her father.
"Dad...wheres the art man?" She ask a bit worry
"....hes in a better place"
He said a bit sad but smiled and she did to the three walked out with kidman follwing them behide.

Stefano Valentini body was not in the tube but his tube was fulled with blood and rose petals. No one knows what happen to his body but one thing for sure...he is happy to see Sebastian with his family.
Annnnnd that is the last chapter and the end of this tale....or so it is but yeah i cried a bit....but yeah. ..heres my story of a deepish love for Stefano and Sebastian. ...for now. Thank you for reading.

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