ch 10 is this the end?.. [part 1]

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Sebastian gets to Theodore domin, he had his gun ready to shoot the son of bitch for making things so hard on him.

"Hello Sebastian have you came to follow me or..." Theodore paused waiting. "You know damn will that i fucking dont what to follow you. .." Sebastian point his gun at Theodore ready to shoot.
"...i guess you don't what to save lily ...then."

Theodore turns and starts to walk when he did fire apper and around Sebastian he was prepared, but what shocked him that he fell going into the forset. There he sees a group of people and his daughter, ran to her and moves the unknown people out of the way to get to lily but he was held by the creatures.

"LILY!" That is all he can say before watching Theodore smirking and tap his cane two times and she lit on fire. "She has so much power that i can use...." there for Sebastian was once again falling. .....
WELP this is um...we getting a bit to the end...or so we think.....lets fine out next time when stefano be there or well lily die again huehue im so evil....plz dont hurt me ^~^

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