Chapter 3: Flying

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One week later

Coal sat on his bed, quivering with excitement. He was going to school! He was thrilled to get to meet dragons from other tribes. I wonder what a SeaWing looks like? Can NightWings really read minds? He was really going to meet new dragons and make new friends! And even better, since Cloud had already gotten in, he still had yet to see the final list. So Cloud had no clue Coal was going as well. I can't wait to see his face! Coal thought, grinning.

"What are you so happy about?" his father Peak asked, sticking his long orange neck into the room.

"Nothing," Coal replied, still grinning.

"Well, hurry up," Peak responded. "They're leaving soon."

"Okay," Coal called back. "I'll come when I finish packing."

He finished packing his small pouch slung over his chest. It consisted of: a journal, his drum set(he had the kind that you could take apart into small pieces and put back together), a guide for a couple of songs he was learning how to play, and a couple of scrolls. He draped his lucky amethyst necklace over his neck and set off out the door. The SkyWing congregation was waiting a couple miles away and soon enough, Coal touched down. An older dragon(the same one who'd put up the lists before) gave him a nod. Cloud was near the back and his eyes nearly popped out of his skull when he saw Coal. Coal gave him a friendly smile and ignored him until the final dragonet showed up(Coal was pretty sure he was named Peregrine). "Come on, let's go!" the older dragon barked, then immediately took to the sky. The dragonets set off after him.

The sun was nearly set when Coal could make out Jade Mountain in the distance. We're almost there! His heart gave a little bounce.

"Have fun, learn stuff, and don't do anything stupid," the older dragon barked at them before flying off, leaving the dragonets to fly inside.


Welcome to Jade Mountain, kid.

In the next chapter, we meet two dragons from Coal's winglet. Yay!

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