Epilogue- Part Four

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Amber was pretty sure she looked awful.

She draped another necklace over her neck, smiling softly. Tonight would have to be awesome. For the first time, she was going on a date. A DATE! WITH TYPHOON, of all dragons! Thankfully, the cafe where they were meeting was on the banks of the Diamond Spray Delta, so it wasn't far. Her sister, Anaconda, had offered to go with her, but Amber had politely declined.

So much had happened since the journey. She remembered the last evening at school so well.

"Amber?" Scorch stuck her head into her sleeping cave. "I just talked to Typhoon. He wants to tell you something."

Amber smiled and walked out of the room, thanking Scorch with a small nod.

Typhoon was waiting outside. He smiled when he saw Amber.

"Alright, you idiot," he said affectionetly. "Can I tell you anything?"

Amber sighed dramatically. "What do you think?"

The SeaWing leaned close and for the first time Amber noticed his claws were shaking.

"Amber," he said. "Can we go on a date after school?"

Amber hugged him.

"So, I take that's a yes?" Typhoon asked, grinning broadly.

The temerature seemed to drop fifteen degrees as Amber replied, "That's a yes."

That had been two weeks ago. Now, Amber was flying to the cafe. Fifteen minutes later, she could see Typhoon's broad shape at the front. He hadn't worn any jewelry, unlike her. But he smiled when he saw her and that was enough to light up the world.

"Hi, Amber," he said, catching her talons as she landed.

In response, Amber took off all of her jewelry and tossed it into the delta.

Typhoon's jaw dropped.

"I didn't need all that junk," Amber smiled casually. "How about we go inside?"

"Sounds like a plan," Typhoon responded.

And holding talons, side by side, they walked inside the cafe.

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