Epilogue- Part Six

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Blizzard was sitting on the banks of a small stream when he got his idea.

Scorch and him had spent the whole night kissing. They had ate. And Blizzard was 100% in love now.

His idea was straightforward and simple. He pulled the worn leather journal out of his pack and took a moment to look at the fading darkness, night into day, the distant lights of Possibility. He pulled out the 64-pack of colored pencils that Scorch had given him for his hatching day last month.

There we go. Turquoise for the river. That shop was bright red.

He continued to trace, all attention on the sketch.

Scorch was still sitting nearby, gazing out at the night sky.

Scratch that. I have a better idea.

Blizzard flipped to the next page and drew everything all over again. Only with one small adjustment...

He had changed the perspective.

It didn't sound like much. But Blizzard, being as familiar with art as he was, knew that could make a difference. And it had made a difference here. A huge one, if you asked him.

"Scorch?" he called.

She turned her gaze away from the stars, immediately. "Yeah?"

"Can I show you something?" Blizzard asked, keeping his voice steady. His claws were already shaking.

Scorch quickly headed over and took a look.

"That's unfinished," she said, looking confused.

"I didn't like that one," Blizzard agreed. "So I made an adjustment, or two."

He turned the page, claws shaking now, no reason to hide it.

Blizzard had drawn Possibility, the sky, the river, everything to perfect detail.

"Hold it up for a sec," Scorch said. She looked at it from a little lower. "That looks exactly like the scenery, by all the moons!"

"That's not everything," Blizzard said, slowly.

His claw, which had been covering a small spot towards the bottom, let go.

At the bottom, sitting on the banks of the river, were clearly two dragons. One was yellow. One was white. And they were kissing.

"I don't like it," Scorch said.

Blizzard felt his whole chest deflate a moment before Scorch was on top of him, bowling him over, kissing him. He said something like, "Huh ah huh hum."

"I like this better," Scorch stated.

And if anyone had happened to fly by, they would have seen Scorch and Blizzard, SandWing and IceWing, two dragons, both in love with the other, rolling around on the pebbles, holding and kissing each other in a warm embrace.

Once they broke apart, Blizzard simply said, "I guess we could call this love."

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