Happier pt.2

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"Hey you have no Idea who I ran into a today." I said entering my apartment that I shared with my best friend, katie.

"Obama." she said not looking up from the book she was reading.

"I wish, good guess though but it was Kendall." I said nonchalantly knowing her reaction.

"Sorry what? Where? When? And no thanks please" she exclaimed this time she was now standing with her hands on her hips waiting for my answer "Well? What the fuck happened, don't just stand there tell me."

"Calm down will you? Besides don't you have a book to finish" I said walking to my room grinning, knowing damn well she would get agitated.

"You're such a piece of shit, don't tell me you're getting back together." Katie said walking into my room.

"Don't worry were not, ever." I assured her.

"Well that's a fucking relief, what happened?"

I told her what happened from getting my foot stepped on to seeing her walk away from me. I told my self relentlessly to move on from her and to go on every single day, and for the time being it actually worked. she wasn't on my mind 24/7 and I even went on this date, didn't work out though. painfully still I have managed to move on from her, all my feelings for her thrown out the window just like that, but nooooo she just had to come back and ruin everything. so now I'm back to square one exactly where I left of, Being a complete mess and telling myself to get over it.

"Woah they're obviously together." She said sitting beside me on my bed.

"Tell me something I don't know"

"Ok, You can and will move on from her." Katie said

"Thanks but that'll take time."

"Yeah I know, it always does. Point is from what you told she seems ok, happier if you want to call it that. But someday you'll feel it too, take your time and don't force yourself to heal because wounds that are rushed are the ones that are easy to open.

A small tear slipped on my cheek" gosh you're such a hoe, you made me cry." I said looking at her.

"Sush don't cry honey, I'm a hoe I know that but a wise one." She exclaimed pulling me in for a hug "now lets watch sleepless in Seattle, so we both can cry"she said getting up from my bed and walking out of my room "You have a minute to change or else I'm starting without you." she shouted from the kitchen.

Suddenly I felt like a fire erupted from my soul and hurried to change right away "wait up, gosh!" I shouted from my bathroom.

"Sweetie I ain't waiting for you and neither is Tom hanks." She said as I could hear the beginning credits roll in.

"Wait!" I shouted running to the couch and grabbing the remote turning the volume up.

Katie suddenly paused the movie midway "Hey what the hell it's my favorite scene." I exclaimed she got up to go to the kitchen and open the fridge as I watched her "oh so when you get food I have to wait for you and pause the movie while you only gave me a minute to change making me hurry and stub my toe on the couch!" I shouted "what sorry I couldn't hear you?" She said her voice erupting into our tiny apartment.

Unbelievable, I couldn't wait any longer so I pressed play diverting all my attention to the screen. "Hey unfair!" She shouted as I felt a pebble like object hit my head "hey what the hell?"I shouted as she quickly ran back to her spot popcorn falling everywhere as I felt the couch sink beside me. I looked down to see what see threw me, and better not it was a pack of skittles "oh wow thanks." my annoyance disappeared to an instant
" yep now sush." she said with her eyes glued to the screen.

My mind drifted into the movie, completely forgetting what happened earlier.

After the movie Katie went straight to bed cause sleeping early wont give you pimples apparently. I wasn't too tired and honestly didn't feel like sleeping any sooner so I stayed in the living room watching re runs of friends, during a Comercial break I went to the kitchen to grab a beer, I opened the bottle and took a long swig. Standing at the corner of our small kitchen, I looked around our tiny apartment remembering all the times Kendall spent here. It was either She wanted to watch a movie or just spend a night in with me, so many of these walls hold memories of me and her and right now all I want is all of them back, especially her.

but she's happier Y/n, don't you think you deserve that too?

I do think so, but I can't deal with the fact I was at my happiest with her.

but You just had to fuck it up didn't you?

you know what inner self, you are not helping a single bit.

well life gets better...eventually, that's all I can say.


Inspired by Ed Sheeran :)

Hey guys!

Sorry for the late update, but I decided to write two more chapters for you guys since I know this one won't be "good enough". The purpose of this chapter was to show the strong relationship y/n had with her friend/s, and to me I really think that's important.

Hoped it made sense to you :)

look out for two more updates



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