Happier pt.3

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"Wakey wakey, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!! Hannah shouted, pulling my foot from under the covers.

"Happy Birthday, now get out." I said sleepily, covering my head with my pillow "Hey!" Hannah said giving my foot a slap "do you wanna get kicked?" I said back to her.

"That's rude remember only for today you're suppose to he nice towards me or else a year with bad luck." she said in a sing songy way taunting me "she's right you know I mean its only for today Y/n and plus tomorrow we could treat her like shit again." Katie said.

I got up and looked at Hannah then katie "You look great today Han." with the biggest fake smile it was way too early "Thank you" Hannah said getting up and leaving my room.

*beep beep*

I looked at my bedside table and saw that it was time for me to get ready for work "seriously I lost a minute of sleep." I got up leaving my room seeing Hannah and katie in the kitchen "aren't you suppose to be at work?" I asked Hannah "yeah but I stopped by because kate wanted to give me her gift early" which would explain the red paper bag, I assumed came from katie "Where's your gift loser?" Katie said sticking her tongue out "I have it right here." I walked back to my room getting the present for Hannah in a cocky way. "Oh wow you did actually get me a gift, I'm surprised." Hannah said peeping into the paper bag "yeah well you got me something last year" Hannah glared at me " wow and I actually thought you cared about me" "bitch you thought" she rolled her eyes earning a small chuckle from katie.

"well I have to go, oh and call me  when you guys get home so we can all get ready together" Hannah said walking towards the door "sure thing, have a great they at work !" katie shouted from the kitchen "see ya!" I said, Hannah waved goodbye and finally the door closed. "oh she has no idea" Katie exclaimed as we both laughed and got ready for work excited for tonight.

"boobs or no boobs?" Hannah asked looking at her reflection while oh so casually lifting her breast " boobs" we all shouted.

we were all getting ready for tonight's plans, the idea was to go out for dinner then eventually go to a club and get drunk, what she didn't know was that we arranged a surprise party for her. we rented out a private area at our favorite bar filled with decorations and more of our friends, even her brother came to town for this.

I went to the bathroom to do my make up when suddenly Katie entered and slammed the door shut "what is it? we both know only one human being can fit in here"I exclaimed.

"I know but I just wanted to know if everything was set" Katie whispered to me "yeah everything's going to plan, will all get dinner and after that Em will go and text the rest that were on our way. Wait if you're here then who's out there with Hannah!" I whispered shouted to Katie fearing Hannah was outside our tiny bathroom evesdropping.

"Don't worry Em arrived she's out there with her" I sighed with relief
" Good now get out it's starting to get cramped in here" Katie chuckled leaving the bathroom and closing the door behind her.

"kate! stop taking snaps of me when I'm shoving food into my mouth" Emily shouted to katie.

"what else do you shove in your mouth Em?" Katie said amused still recording her "Why don't you asked your Dad that question I bet he knows" Emily said smirking "Bitch" katie exclaimed giving Em the finger "Oh shit, she went there" our other friend Jesse said while we all burst out laughing.

We were currently at a fancy restaurant eating dinner...well were almost done when Em decided to get desert. "Alright since you're almost done Em I'll go call the waiter for the bill" Hannah said.

"Oh you don't have to pay" Jesse said stopping Hannah "don't worry babe I wasn't anyways" we all looked at each other then ended up bursting into laughter  "Jesus you guys are weirdos, Em you done?" I asked "yep" She said with two thumbs up "Cool let's go."

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