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He rinsed the bowl out for a few seconds before turning off the tap and dropping the bowl into the sink. He had managed to eat something after being unable to for over a week, and needless to say, he was actually kind of proud of himself.

Making his back to his bedroom, phone in hand, he grabbed his vape pen off of his nightstand and took a drag, exhaling the smoke. You could choose the flavor of juice you wanted for the pen, so he had some random tropical berry flavor, and that shit was good. He set both his phone and vape pen down, quickly changing into some more comfortable, visitor-friendly clothing – basically, a pair of black sweatpants, a grey shirt, and a black hoodie over that. Don’t forget the dark blue fluffy socks he had on, officially completing the “I’m too tired for today but at least I’m comfortable” look.

At what seemed like the perfect moment, the doorbell rang just as John was making his way into his living room. He inhaled deeply and made his way towards the door, checking his reflection in the mirror near his door as he passed. He had dark bags under his eyes, and he was pale as hell, not to mention how sick he still looked. Would his totally not crush find that attractive? Rolling his eyes, he opened the door, half-hoping that Smitty wouldn’t be the one standing there, only to have his poor hopes crushed as he spotted the other male through the glass screen door in between them. Smitty looked up from his phone, looking startled at John’s appearance for a moment before he smiled. John hesitantly opened the screen door, letting the other step inside. “Hey, John.” Smitty greeted as he stuffed his phone down into his pocket, and flopping down on John’s couch. He let out a sigh and shook his head, “Hey, Smit.” He responded, his voice cracking, earning a soft laugh from the other.

“So, you wanna tell me why you were uploading but not responding to my messages?” Smitty responded almost immediately, turning around on the couch, on his knees, to face John, who was still behind the couch from not moving much from his spot at the door.

“Will me being sick and a lazy asshole answer your question?”

“For two weeks, though? You kept me in the dark? John-“

“I rather we not.. Fight about this. I was being a jerk for not responding and ignoring the others. I apologize.”

Smitty nodded in understanding, “that’s good. but now that I’m here, I am gonna stay here all day, because I am your friend and you were probably lonely,” Smitty turned around and sat normally on the couch, leaning back into the cushions behind him. John rolled his eyes playfully as he made his way around the couch and next to Smitty, who took it upon himself to lean against the other male.

Turning a light shade of red, he realized how starved of physical affection he actually was. He slowly leaned forward and picked up the remote to the tv that was anchored to the wall in front of them both, turning it on. He leaned back into the couch, going onto Netflix and letting a random movie come on, one that John wasn’t paying any attention to the name of.

“Hey, John?” Smitty suddenly spoke up, his voice unusually small coming from someone as himself.


“Can you maybe, like, uh.. I wanna tell you..but..uh..whatever..Never mind,“ Smitty was quick to reply, a stuttering and stammering mess. John grinned subconsciously.

He also noticed the small blush creep onto the other male’s cheeks.

John shifted in his spot as he hesitantly wrapped an arm around Smitty, who seemed shocked at first, but leaned against his touch after a moment or so.

“Smitty? Can I ask you something?”

“uh, yeah?” he mumbled in response.

“Can we like..uh, like..” John paused, unsure of how to continue his thought, but played it off as he was mocking Smit, earning an elbow in the side. He rolled his eyes, not phased by the action. Smitty was his friend, not..not someone he had feelings for, right? “Can you hug me, maybe?” His voice proved to be unusually soft as well.

Smitty nodded slowly, hopefully not confused, moving closer to John and wrapping his arms around his sides.

John seemed completely hesitant to do this, but he had moved Smitty into his lap and both arms were around the other male’s waist. Smitty was facing John, and his arms were around him, this hug sort of awkward with how close they were.

Your Affection ~ Krii7yWhere stories live. Discover now