Northern Lights

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{This is a Denmark X Reader, I'm actually going to TRY to write an X Reader}
(Y/N) means 'Your Name'

"This is a nice stick,
I like sticks" (Y/N) said while pecking through the forest.

"Lemme smash,
Please" Denmark or Matthias came out of the woods

"No Denmark
Go find Norway" (Y/N) said causually rejecting the dane

"You want sum fuk?" Denmark said looking curiously at (Y/N)

"No Denmark
I don't want sum fuk-"

"I got u blue" Denmark said cutting off (Y/N)

"Hey gurl
You want sum tail?" The same said getting too close for comfort

Your tail is small" (Y/N) said lightly shoving Denmark back

Swiggity swooty" Denmark said while holding stick

"You want yellow?
They don't want yellow
Blue and" Denmark sighed.

I'm leaving" (Y/N) left

Lemme smash!"

*Depressing Music*

"What has my life cum to
(Y/N) thot my tail was big
(Y/N) used to lemme smash
But (Y/N) is smashin' Sweden
Sweden is a hoe" Denmark says as anger takes over

"Fuk dis nest!
Fuk Sweden!
I need you (Y/N)
(Y/N) lemme smash" Denmark yelled

"Ima get that bitch a stick!
Bitches love sticks!"

"Wrong stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick.
Need stick!
Got stick!
(Y/N) I got stick
lemme smash!" Denmark has left

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