finns workout

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Millies pov: I woke up around 8:56 the duffers brothers said to come around set at 5:30 with the whole cast. As I woke I saw Finn wrapped around me. I remember everything that happened that night. I agreed to what he said. I started having flashbacks. *Flashback*
Finn: Are you sure millie?

Millie: Yes Finn if I get my virginity taken away I rather have it taken by you

Finn got red and just nodded. He took off his pants then mine. Then I took off his boxers. Then he took of my Calvin Klein underwear. *End of flashback*

My thoughts ended. I looked at Finn he was asleep. I kissed his forehead and I decided to take a shower. I got some clothes and a towel. I went inside and didn't bother to lock the door since me and finn were comfortable with each other now. I was in their for 2 hours then got out. I put on my clothes. My shirt which said "calpurnia" on it which was finns band. then I put on jeans that were up to my knees that were ripped. I had some white nike socks. I brushed out my shoulder length hair. I put it in a messy bun. When I came out Finn was gone. I went to the night stand and saw a note. 'Went to go workout be back soon babee' I just smiled and cleaned up a bit. I changed the sheets and covers because I wasn't gonna sleep in the bed tonight especially what just happened with Finn.... I got a pop tart and put it in the toaster. 5 minutes later I got it and ate it. I saw the sink and it was dirty with dishes. I got some soap and started to wash the dishes. After 10 minutes the door opened and closed it was Finn. I didn't look behind but I know it was him. He came behind from me and hugged my waist.
Millie: Hey babe

Jacob: Oh calling me babe already?

Finn's pov: "100" I thought to myself after lifting weights. I looked at myself I was all sweaty and had some pretty awesome abs. "Millie will like them" I thought. I put my muscle shirt back on. Some girls were checking me out. They smiled, I didn't smile back. She came up to me.
Girl: Hi!

I didn't respond back to the slut

Girl: What's your number

Finn: BEGONE THOT! I said while putting my fingers as a Cross.

I went to my hotel room and the door room was open. The water in the sink was running. Soap bubbles were everywhere. Then I saw Jacob he had his hand over millies mouth. She was trying to yell for help.

Jacob: No one is gonna help you... Your mine and mine only....

I opened the door all the way and ran to Jacob. I got on him and started to punch all of his face. He was bleeding all on the floor.


I did and realized I fucked him up. He Got up while running out the room like a pussy. I ran to Millie on the bed.


Millie: Yeah... I was so scared...

Finn: Babe I'm here now I'm sorry I wasn't....

Millie: It's ok Im ok.

Finn: he didn't rape or touch you did he.

Millie: No but he tried... I'm just happy your here.

She hugged me and cried into my neck I whispered to her and told her I will always protect her.

After 1 hour of watching TV I asked Millie a question.

Finn: Mills...?

She got up from laying on my chest and then got up and sat on my lap.

Millie: Yes finnie?

Finn: Well I wanna talk about last night....

That moment Finn got a flashback
*Flashback* me and Millie were both outta breath and sweat came from our foreheads. We just looked in each other eyes just processing everything that happened.

Millie: holy fuck...

Finn: I know... We both laughed.

*End of flashback*

Millie: yah what about it?

Finn: Uhh did you check.. if you were pregnant....?

Millie just laughed and I chuckled.

Millie: Yes Finn I did and I'm not pregnant!

We both just laughed and laughed and then he kissed me on the forehead.

Finn: Did you uh... Like it?

Millie got red and laughed.

Millie: No....I loved it.

Soon we had to go back to set to shoot again. We were there for Hours.

Millies pov: me and the group finally finished shooting. I got a text from Lila and maddie.

MaddsZ: hey we throwing a party tomorrow?!

LilaBear: Yeah invite the stranger things cast! It's gonna be a big party!

MillieBrownie: Yeah we coming.

Tomorrow was Saturday of course a party. I told the cast and they agreed they'll come along.

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