5 days.

273 11 4

"Hey Carl!" Jess said.

"Hey." I replied.

"You okay?" she said, standing up and holding my hands. We were in the woods at the exact place we first kissed.

"Yes, just a bit worried about this whole governour thing."

"Well don't worry. The more you worry the more worried you'll get!"

"That makes no sense whatsoever."

"It's as if you don't know me Carl, uh." she said whilst turning away with her arms crossed. I could hear her holding back a giggle, but failing miserably.

I turned her around to face me. She stared at me and I stared right back. Then I kissed her, where she then kissed me back.

"I know you Jessica." I said, onxe we parted. She giggled and then hugged me.



"Here." she said, handing me her necklace "Keep it, if something happens to me, you'll have something to remember me by."

I hesitated, but then took it off her, and put it in my pocket. Then we held hands and headed back to the prison.

Carl's P.O.V:

That was five days before she died.

Now it's been exactly two years since she died

I've been carving the days in to a tree, well, two trees because it's been that long.

I put my knife back in my belt, and took Jessica's necklace out of my pocket. I hung it up on one of the branches.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled and then walked off. As I headed back to the prison, I thought about Jessica one last time, before I tried to forget her.

And I thought I would...

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