Bad drea-

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I was walking around in the forest. There were no walkers anywhere and everyone was enjoying themselves...

My mum was there, next to dad, hugging him. Everyone else who had died was here: T-Dog, Dale, Shane...

Then Jessica.

She was talking to Beth when she noticed me. As she came over, I noticed how she looked different. It was as if through the two years she was still growing and changing. She was still more beautiful then ever.

"Hey Carl!" she said.

"Jess?" I asked. She giggled. "Oh my gosh Jess!" I cried, enveloping her in to a big bear hug.

"Can't... breath..." she choked out. I let go and smiled. Then Lexi came over to where Jessica was standing and they both hugged.

"You saved her Carl, thank you." Jess said.

"Why, do you know her?". Then she started repeating the same thing. The field filled itself with walkers and everyone dissapeared.

I blinked and then I was on my knees, Jessica laying on the floor with a gun-shot in her. It was her last moment, repeating itself.

"I'm so sorry for everything, please don't go!" Abby cried. But then, instead of replying to Abby like she did when she died, she looked to me and said:

"Look after everyone, especially Lexi, I shall never forget you..."

Then I was in the prison, watching myself cry in front of Jess. I noticed something strange, but I couldn't quite fixate on it, because I broke down.


I woke up panting and sweating. I jumped out of the bed and ran out of the prison and in to  the field. I put my hands on my knees.

Abby and Daryl come out of the prison, holding hands. They have a non-public relationship now, except around me and Michonne.

"Hey Carl, what's up." Daryl asked, well, said.

"Nothing, I just had a bad drea-". I got cut of when I saw Jessica. Just like in the dream, but this time, she was outside in the forest.

I turned to face Abby. "Do you see that!" I exclaimed.

"See what?"

I looked back... and she was gone.

"I thought I saw a deer." I lied.

"Really, well we're just going out hun'in, let's see if we can find it." Daryl said to Abby as they went of.

Lexi suddenly came out of nowhere. "Hey Carl!" she said.

"Mornin'" I sighed.


"Yes, you?"

"Nope.". I laughed. She's so full of energy. I remembered what Jess said in my dream: "Look after everyone, especially Lexi, I shall never forget you...".

"Lexi, would you like me to teach you have to use a knife properly?".

"Really! That would be great! But why?"

"I think I need to get to know more about you..."...

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