Chapter 5: Recording- Day 2:

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        We had another recording sessions today in New York… but since Samantha said that we nailed the trial session last week, we would start recording our first, real album!!! We were so pumped we couldn’t believe it.

      We were taking out, by my mom, at lunch time so we could catch the train and still be on time for our session and meetings with Samantha and the others at the record company. This time our mothers trusted us to go by ourselves as long as we kept in touch.

      When we got to the front office at the moment the lunch bell rang, we saw my mom.

      “Hey mom” I said.

      “Hey Mrs. McNullty” Nelly said.

      “What’s good, Mama M??” Molly said.

      “Hey girls. How are you?” my mom said as we smiled so she could see how excited we were. So, my mom walk in to the attendance office, as we followed her, and she said:

      “Hi, I am here to sign out Jessica McNullty, Molly McDonald, and Nelly Jackson.”

      “Hi,” Ms. Smith said “reason for taking them out early?” she questioned.

      “Personal reason, please” my mom answered.

      “That’s fine” Ms. Smith said stamping our passes.

      “Thank you and have a good weekend” Ms. Smith said handing us our stamped passes to hand to the hall monitor at the front door of the high school.

      When we got back to my house, we saw that we still had about two hours before the train, so me and the girls went for a half-hour run, showered, and got ready for my mom to take us to the train station.



      “Jessica!!! We have to go now!! You will miss your train!!!” she yelled.

      “We’re coming right now mom!” I yelled back down to her. We grabbed our bags and suitcases, took one last look in the mirror to make sure we looked perfect and bolted downstairs to find my mom waiting in the car.

      “Come on girls!” she said. We climbed into the car and went to the train station, and we made it to our train with five minutes to spare. We said goodbye to my mom, she gave me money and a credit card, told us to keep in touch and be safe.

      “…And do not forget your hotel key, and that the record company building is on the corner of 18th and 23rd.”  

      “Thanks mom, I know and we won’t forget. I can’t believe that you are letting us stay in the city by ourselves for the whole weekend.” I said shocked that she was so cool with this.

      “Trust me, I’m not happy about it, but you girls are growing up and you I think you guys are ready to do this… As long as you guys always stick together and have each others backs.” My mother said with a smile.

      “Trust me mama M, we will” Molly said.

      “Through thick and thin!!” Nelly added. And that is when our train pulled up and we said goodbye to my mom.


      We finally got to the city and hailed a cab to take us to the hotel. When we got to the hotel we paid the cab driver the 10.82 that we owed him and got out. We had just enough time to check in and freshen up before we had to go to Rock-N-Roll Records. When we got to the hotel’s front desk, the lady helped us right away.

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