Chapter 7: When The Whole School Hears Your Song...

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(Group Text Messages)

Me: “I can’t believe that our single got to number on the first day and it is STILL number one”

Nelly: “I knows, it is so cool and so serial all at the same time. I saw SO many tweets on” Twitter about it from people from school.

Molly: “I know.. School is going to be CRAZY on Monday.

Me: “School was crazy the Day BEFORE the single came out.”

Nelly: Tell m about it…

Molly: “I can’t believe, next week we are going to talk about a MUSIC VIDEO for the song!!!”



Since Molly already has her license she drove us to school. She came to pick me up after she picked Nelly. So when I got in the car, I sat in the front seat. So, we started driving. “Why is the radio not on?” I asked Molly.

“Good question, Jess!” Nell said. “Turn on Z100!”

So, when I turned it on, you will NEVER have guessed what came the radio lady put on next.      

“Up next, is the new number one hit” the radio lady said. “By the newest band Unforgettable Madness called ‘Now or Never’! Check it out!” …And then our song came on the radio…

“OH. MY. GOD!!!!” I freaked. “We are on the ficken radio!!!” I yelled, turning up the radio. We all sang along as I played the air guitar at my solo on the track.

As the song ended, we were pulling into the school parking lot, the top was down so people saw us and stared at us. I got a text from my mom:

Mom: “I just heard you on 100.3, you girls are famous!!!” 

Jess: “I know, I just heard. I’ll give you my autograph later”

Mom: “Haha!! I hope I get an autograph with it!

Then I took to twitter:

@JessicaMcNullty97: I just hear my new, number one single on Z100. #ThisIsGoingToBeAGoodDay

Then, lastly, I texted our manager:

Me: Hey Sam, I don’t know if  you heard, but ‘Now or Never’ was just played on Z100 (100.3). Me and the girls are FREAKING OUT right now.

Sam: I know, I’m freaking too!! And, yes I knew, who do you think gave them a radio copy?!! Who’s the best manger ever???!!!!

Me: “YOU ARE, BY FAR!!! Thank you so much, Sammie!!!”

Sam: WARNING: You girls are becoming popular FAST!!! Beware of crazy fans and paparazzi!!! (Even at school!!)

Me: We will, we promise.

  So, we got out of Nelly’s car and walked into school, and just walking  from school to homeroom there was at least five people who asked for autographs and pictures… It was insane… Then the mean girl of our grade came up to us. Her name is Shannon Stare, yes Stare is her last name. She thinks that she is all that and that she is “the most popular girl in school” but trust me, she’s not. And on top of all that, she thinks that she can sing, but truly she sounds like a dying whale, while she just sings baby over and over again while playing the one cord she knows on the guitar over and over again she calls that a song… It’s torture!!!

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