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Tords P. O. V

I lay on my bed in a long white shirt with nothing else on.  I let tears fall remembering my friends. I hurt them.  I punched Matt almost killed Tom and really upset Edd but I couldn't be near them they would be targets and u didn't want them hurt. I sightly cry till myself until I hear a knock. I wipe my tears "what do you want" I ask making sure my voice stays stable. "We have three intruders" I hear Pat say. "Come in" I say.  The door opens Pau and Pat walk in (want to be respectful) I look and the intruders they are my friends.  "Idiots" I mumble and walk over. "So my old friends are the ones huh how fascinating" I stat.  I look at my dads (cause why not)  and nod for them to leave.  Pat smiles and pulls pau out.  "Hello" Edd says. I pull out one of my guns.  Matt looks scared. "Calm down I'm not gonna shot you" I say instead shooting the handcuffs breaking them free" so Commie why did you let us go if you hate us" Tom asked. "I don't hate you" I say then notice Tom staring intensely at me.  I blush slightly and kick him hard. "Stop fucking staring" I say.  I look away "and I care I just didn't want you guys being killed because I decided to nw a leader of an Army" I say Edd hugs me from being "you know we were really worried about you right" he says I nod " I'm sorry I just" I say and turn hugging the taller male back and start crying.  "I wanted you guys to be safe but it hurt what I did I'm sorry I'm so so sorry" I say and cry harder. Edd who normally pokes fun just held me close trying to clam me (eddtord tomtord I mean what am I doing right now) I slowly cry myself to sleep in Edds arms.

Toms P. O. V

Edd picks tord up and lays him in his bed. "I was not expecting him to cry himself to sleep" he says.  I roll my (non existent)  eyes "you and Matt treat him like a kid and always take his side because he's the youngest (and shortest) out of all of us" I say Edd smiles. "Come on he's so cute and small" he says.  I won't say it out loud but ya Tord is hella cute when drunk sick or just tired. I sit next to him and pet him "you know once he wakes up all if us are dead right" I say Edd nods.  I sigh an lean against the headboard on Tords bed falling asleep.  I wake up a few hours later Tord is still sleeping but Slow wakes up.  He sits up fast and looks at us. "You three are so dead for sneaking in here do you know how dangerous it is" he says refuring to the Red army base.  "We know so what is our punishment" I ask "I should make you clean the floors with a tooth brush" he mumbles.  "But? " I say "but I'm not gonna be that mean I mean I haven't seen you guys in years so instead. He takes a deep breth you three will join my army" he says.  "Yay we can be with you again" Edd says.

Time skip to a few months later

Tord's P. O. V

We just finished beating one of the amrys and I decided we should celebrate so we all get drunk. Tom had fun with that. I look at him and smile.  He's so cute I love him so much. I go to get something when one if the very few female soldiers tap my shoulder we were both really drunk. "You know sir you are really cute" she says.  I let her push me to the wall and she farts kissing my neck but I stop her.  "Don't I am very gay" I say she pouts but walks away.  This is why I o ly have like five girls working for me and one is married to her job.  After I get what I wanted I go to head to Tom's room but walk in Crystal's instead.  She was laughing Talking to Pat about something she did I smile. My best female soldier and the one who is married to her job plus is my cousin because Pay Pat's brother adopted her.  I then close the door and walk to another room.  I suddenly feel really hot abd fall to the ground. Shit the Supprents wore off. I try opening the door but I couldn't figure out in my etxreamly drunken stat how to open the door. I fall to the floor crying begging for the door to open.  It then does.  Who I think is Edd pulls me iffy the ground into his room. Tord how much did you drink" he asks then notices my smell.  "Shit you're and Omega" he says.  I nod and hug him. Eddy hel meh" I beg he sighs drunk as well

Time skip cause I'm in school writing this

I wake up the next morning (ok ok before I go on my new phone keeps wanting to add emojis I'm here like stop it) in Edds arms.  I blush and sit up. Shit I made a huge mistake I was suppose to go to Toms room fuck my drunkness and heat.  Edd looks at me and smiles slightly" you're up" he says.  I nod.  We both get dressed and talk about what happened we agreed it was only because I needed help.

Another time skip cause I'm sleepy

Tom hasn't said a word to me since what happened with Edd and I god only knows how he found out but he knows.  He doesn't talk to Edd either and only nods when I tell him to do something I am getting really irritated so I push him to the wall of my office "tell me why the hell you won't talk to me" I say clearly pissed. Tom looks away from me.  "Tell me" I say.  After a bit I fall to my knees shaking and niw crying sightly "please please tell me what I did please Tom I don't want the boy I live to hate me" I say crying. Fully now. I feel him shift then get down. He makes me look at him and kisses me.  I close my eyes and kiss back pulling him closer. We both fall over Tom on top of me.  Tom nibbles my bottom lip but I break the kiss "T-Tom?" I say he blushes a bit "I thought you and Edd were a thing so I wanted to hide my feelings for you" he says.  Then whispers "I love you be mine" before he starts kissing me again this time I let him slide his tongue in making both if us moan sightly. I hear the door open but don't care knowing it was probably Pat and Pau. "I so called it love now you lost the bet have fun paying up later" I hear Pat say.  Tom breaks the kiss and we get up.  "Told you you'd win" u say blushing and panting.  "Try not to have drunken in heat sex with Edd gain please" Pat says pulling Pau with him.  I smile and blush then turn to Tom.  Ya I'll be yours" I say.  He smiles and kisses me again.

No clue what I did but I love it also might not do Smut/lemon for a while

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