Pay x Tim

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Pay's P. O.V

I serve drinks at the bar in a nightclub like I do every weekday night not the best job in the world but I like it besides my brother would kill me otherwise.  I sigh as another drunk woman tries hitting on me.  I just roll my eyes and serve her another drink.  After it hits my break time I sit at one of the tables and take a drink. "hey cutie why don't we go out or something" I hear a girl say. I look over a blond girl who looks to have brown eyes was talking to a guy he had brown hair with blue in it he must of dyed the tips of his hair. but the thing is the guy's eye's were black or he had no eyes and was well dressed to nice to be in this kinda place. "I'm not into girls" he says straight up. I almost laugh at that. After my break I get back to work. The guy comes over. "hey bartender give me your strongest drink" he says. "You don't look like much of a drinker you sure you can handle it?" I ask "you're right I don't drink much that is my brother I smoke more but these girls are driving me crazy won't stop hitting on me" he says. I laugh "ya I have the same problem I just ignore it though" I say. "well girls love bartenders because of their pay fucking bitches" he says I laugh and give him a weak drinking knowing it'd still have a bad effect on him "thanks" he says taking a sip. "I don't blame the girls though I mean bartenders look hot" he says. I turn a light shade of pink and look away "oh really. Well what do you think of me?" I randomly ask because I like his voice "you look kinda cute honestly" he states plainly. I roll my eyes. Try something the girls haven't used on me" I say. The guy laughs. "I like you names Tim you might of seen my twin brother Tom here a lot" he says. I smirk knowing who he's talking about "you mean the boy in the blue hoodie who has to be dragged out by his friends at least once a week and I'm Pay nice to meet you Tim" I say "ya that's him and nice too meet you two" he says. we chat until he finishes his drink then gets up. "I have to go but I think I may come by again to see ya Pay" he says walking away. ya ya whatever see ya" I say. After work I head home. "I'm back" I say not expecting an answer because it's five in the morning. "Oh hey Pay welcome home might want to quiet down you know Tord will be grumpy if you wake him up" my older brother says "Pat what are you doing up at this hour?" I ask walking over. "I wanted to know you were safe because you sometimes don't get home until ten in the morning" he reply's looking through papers "just stupid fights I lose but not drunk enough for that" I say. He gets up and messes with my hair "get some sleep ok you need it" he says then heads to his room that he shears with his husband Pau. I head to my room and fall asleep on my bed the moment I hit it. After a few weeks I don't see Tim I'm a little disappointed but whatever I only found him slightly hot. I I sigh while making a drink for some wasted chick who keeps asking me to tie her to a pole and fuck her gross. "That is not ho you get anyone to fuck you try not being drunk next time" I hear a familiar voice say. I look to see Tim walking over "Hey Pay sorry about not coming sooner being a doctor keeps ya busy ya know" he says "oh wow you still exist" I joke he laughs and nods "yes I do did you miss me" he asks "as if I would" I say he laughs. god I love his laugh "awe and here I was hoping you'd say yes maybe I should've waited longer" he says I pout "just kidding" he says smiling "I missed you though even if you didn't miss me" he says. I feel myself blush. God I hate myself right now. "ah there is that cute face I missed so much. You should try smiling some time it'd look good on you" he states like he didn't just try hitting on me "ya maybe one day anyway would you like anything Mr. doctor" I say smirking "ya just give me whatever doesn't taste bad" he says. I nod and do so. "so what is your home life like have any family have a girlfriend or boyfriend I want to know about you" he asks "I have an older brother who is my twin and I live with him and his husband and their adopted son who is old enough to live on his own but they are kinda just vacationing I live by myself most of the time how about you" I answer "I have a tin brother younger and you know him. live by myself brother lives with some friends and will be living with his enemy in a few days apparently this guy runs an army I think his name is Tord" he says "Tord is my nephew and he does really run an army" I state putting away bottles and serving some other people "Oh wow what a small world we live in. "ya really" I say "yo dude hit me up with some Smirnoff" I hear Tom say "oh look my brother is here Yo Tom it's been a while" Tim says going over. I give Tom his normal drink and watch the two talk when I'm not busy. "you find him cute!" I hear Tom yell. I look over too see Tim blushing lightly and covering Tom's mouth "shut up not everyone needs to know" he says. I wonder who they are talking about I'm gonna guess Tord since that is the only reason I've ever seen Tom freak out like that. Well Tim is around his age he's like a year older and I myself am only five years older then Tord so ya most likely Tord. I sigh.Another few drinks later Tom is really drunk and leaning on the wall he was next to "Alright Tom that is enough Edd called me to drag your ass home again" I hear Tord say. and watch as he drags Tom out.  After that day Tim started coming in everyday we got to know each other really well "so you got a crush" Tim randomly ask me after we were just talking about what we would do if we could go anywhere in the world. "ya" I say honestly blushing dark red. This guy may be younger then me but I'd let him top me anytime. "oh who is it" he asks "just some guy" I answer. Tim looked a bit pissed "then tell him you like him" he says "I'm waiting for him to ask me out honestly" I say. I'm going out for a smoke" he says getting up fast and walking out. I get let on break and go to go outside but get stopped then dragged out the back door. "so I hear you are a virgin I'll fix that for you" some guy says. I'm not that strong mostly since I was drinking a lot of alcohol so I am slightly scared. "just leave me alone" I say trying to go back inside

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