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This is pretty much how Pau and Pat. Met and became a couple and why they ended up by Tords side. So every time I mention them or they are in my story's just think to this..... Bits of incest

Pat's P. O. V age seven

I walk with my twin brother around one of the states I forgot which one.  I am here for Work. I work for some very important people. "Honestly this is annoying having to keep moving" I say looking at the job we have to do "well we only have to move once every couple years" Pay says.  I nod.  Suddenly I fall.  I look up and see I walked into someone.  I jump up and help the boy up.  "I am so sorry I wasn't looking where I was ha going" I say "no its ok I wasn't looking either" he says.  I turn really red.  Holy shit he's cute. His hair is light brown and he's a bit shorter then me,  He's wearing a yellow hoodie and god dam.  "I uh um s-sorry I just uh" I say making a fool my myself.  Pat starts laughing.  "Oh wow your finally talking to someone other then your own brother" he says just to bug me. "I uh sorry I sorry" I say pulling Pay along with me.  After I get far away I calm down.  "He is so cute and I made a complete cool of myself" I say signing. "Oh you like eyebrows never thought he was your type" Pay says "shut up already ok.  Anyway we have work" I say.  Pay nods and we get our job done then head home. I change out of my blood stained clothes.  "Getting kids to kill they really hit a new low" I say.  "Ya they really did but they money is blessed" pay says dragging me into the shower with him. "We have to be to old to do this" I say rolling my eyes.  "No not yet plus the bill is less when we do this" he says I nod then smirk.  "You only want me in here with you because you haven't learned how to wash your hair properly yet" I tease him while helping him wash his hair.  "Maybe but hey when we were in Japan we learned that family beaths together to save" he replys. I roll my eyes.  After our shower we dress and I go cook.  Pay comes up behind me sliding his arms around my waist and nuzzles into my neck.  "I love you big brother never leave me" he says. I hum.  "Of course not,  not even when we get in relationships" I reply.  Pay stays hugging me until I need to move.  After we eat we sit on the couch watching some stupid shit until we get tired.  We go yo our room and fall asleep Pay cuddled to me like always (why they are like the closes siblings ever is so cute).  It been a week since that day and this time I'm going out to buy some food. I sigh looking at the list and walk into someone.  I get up after falling and help the person up.  "We really got to stop meaning like this" the boy says... Wait oh god its him holy shit. He looks at me and smiles "I uh um i...  Hi" I say blushing a bit.  "Hello to you two" he sats laughing.  God he has a cute laugh.  "So uh I'm pau what is your name? " he asks.  "I literally can't remember my name right now" I say making him giggle.  "Let's try that again later" he says.  I blush more.  "So what are you doing right now? " he asks.  "Shopping food ya that" I say "oh can I come along?" He asks.  I nod and we head to the store. "Pat" I say after a while "my name" I continue.  He nods "I like your name" he says making me blush again.  Why is he so cute.  "How old are you?" He asks. "seven" I reply "oh your a year older then me I'm six" he says.  I smile and nod.  Over the next few months I learn more about him and he finds out why I'm here he seemed a little sad when I told him but I brushed it off.  Its been a while since we met and right now I'm getting ready to met up with him.  "Be carefully Pat" Pay says.  I nod kiss his head then run out. Once I get to the park where we said to meet up I see him and start walking over but see someone walk up to him.  I hide in a bush near by.  "Your job is to suduse that Government fuck then bring g him to us to kill so do your job or do you want to fie like your parents" the guy with him says.  "I'm not sure I can he's different and I think I'm actually falling for Pat" he says. Pau gets thrown to the ground.  "Not aloud or we will make sure you suffer do you understand" the guy says "y-yes sir sorry sir I'll do my job" Pau says.  " good now hurry up" the guy sats walking away. So wait.... This will be my last tine seeing him I can't die I can't leave Pay Gordon some boy who wants me dead. I sneak away from my hiding place and make it look like I just got yo the park. "Hey Pat" he sats running over smiling.  I smile as he hugs me tightly.  I hug back and kiss his head. He giggles.  After that day I stopped seeing him and mostly just stayed home on the couch watching random shit Pay laykng on me his head on my chest and just cuddling me making me feel better. "We have a new mission kill and retrieve some sort of document" I say running my fingers through my brothers hair. "When does it have to be done by?" He asks burying his face in my pink hoodie.  "Next week" I reply then kiss his head.  Pay looks up at me.  "You want it done by tomorrow though font you" Pay says.  I nod. "You know its been a year since I last seen Pau but its better then leaving you" I mumble "I'll make you forget him" Pay sats kissing me.  I tangle my fingers though his hair kissing back.  Since we aren't human what we are doing is fine but for any on lookers they wouldn't be able to tell we aren't. (Ya imma skip what happens because of how young they are) when I wake up I sigh looking at the mess we made.  I get up and clean up both me and Pay.  After that I clean the mess on the couch (I bet you can guess what happened XD I feel dirty now throw some holy water on me please) I sigh getting dressed. I put the blanket over Pay...  Shit I left a lot of marks on him. I cook dinner for us sighing.  I just to advtage of my own brother I'm horrible.   The next day comes around and I wake up with Pay  and I tangled together in the blankets and Pay cuddled close to me laying on top of me.  I play with his hair until he wakes up.  Once he does we shower and get ready for work. Once we are we head out.  We come apon the building and sneak in. I can hear faint talking so we follow it.  "You failed and you haven't even been able to find him.  You also you tried running away" a guy says.  I look and see Psi tied up to a chair crying.  "Please I'm sorry I don't know why he left he seemed fine the last time I seen him" Pau says crying harder. I step out pissed that they made him cry. "Get the fuck away from him before I kill you" I say pulling my gun on the guy. "Oh look he's here well whatever feelings he had for you he still has" the Guy says then pulls out a gun to Pau's head.  "Put your gun down and come over here or I shoot" he says.  "Untie him first" I say.  He does and I put my gun down kicking it behind me for Pay to grab. I walk over with my hands up.  The guy pushes Psi to me.  I catch him as he stumbles into my chest. "Thank hod your ok" I says holding him close.  Pau hugs me tightly and starts crying.  I pet him calming him.  "Now now we don't want him mires attached because your gonna die" the guy says.  A gun shot is heard and a bullet hole is now in the wall.  Pay you missed.  I think to myself. "What was that? " the guy asks then gets shot between the eyes.  Pay comes out from hiding abd runs over making sure I'm ok "you know if I died that would of been your fault right" I say still holding a crying Pau "sorry" he says kissing my cheek.  I smile and pet him.  Pau cried himself to sleep so I pick him up while Pay gets what we came for.  We head home and I lay Pau on mine and Pay's bed.  Pay cuddles me on the couch while we wait for Pau to wake up. Pay kisses my neck and nibbles my neck I let him cause we more then crossed the line yesterday. After he's satisfied he falls asleep cuddled close to me.  The next day I check on Pau he's asleep still.  I sit next to him an play with hid hair.  He smiles in his sleep.  After I get bored I go make breakfast. Pay comes up behind me putting his arms around my waist.  I then notice something...  Did he get shorter.  "Hi" I hear a voice say.  I jump turning around seeing Pay still sleeping on the couch.  I look to see Pau.  " you scare me" I say holding my hand over my heart trying to calm it.  "Sorry" he says.  I smile and hug him.  Morning Pau" I say.  He smiles. "So where am I?" He asks.  "Mine and Pays house" I answer he nods "I'm sorry I never wanted to hurt you I really didn't" he says.  "I know I heard everything" I say kissing his head.  "Hey Pat I'm in love with you" he says.  I blush "I love you two" I reply.  "Awe what about me?" I hear Pay ask in a whinny voice "your my brother of course I love you idiot" I say "just cause we are family doesn't me you have to love me" he mumbles.  Oh ya our parents fudnt care about him and why we left we then found out they were killed.  " if I didn't love you then yesterday wouldn't of happened" I say.  "I took advantage of you while you were upset" he says.  I'm getting sick of this.  I go over and hold him down.  "Will you shut up I would never left the house if I didn't love you I would make you suffer hell I was upset yesterday because I thought used you so will you stop your shit" I say.  Pay nods tears falling. I hug him.  You are my twin brother and I love you very much ok" I say softly.  "Ya I love you two big brother" hr says hugging back. Now that that's over with.  I go over and get back to cooking.  After a few days I ask Pau out he says yes and we move to Norway because my stupid job. "Its so nice here" I say laying on my bed.  Pau lays next to me cuddled to my side. You know the fact that you are only eight is impressive" he says.  It's even more that you just turned Seven" I mumble while pulling him close.  Pau cuddled closer to me. I smile and pet him. "You know I want to get married to you one day and maybe adopt a kid" he says.  I smile.  Your so cute" I say an kiss his cheek he smiles and blushes. My next mission I get sent alone  fun right.  I sigh as I make my way into the building. almost to wear I need to be but I feel lightheaded I lean against some boxes then my eyes close.  I fall to the ground panting. The last thing I hear before I pass out us.  "I'm gonna have fun with you".  I wake up trying to sit up fast but can't.  I noticed I'm  hand cuffed to a head bored.....  Shit.  I start trying to break free.  My phone goes off and is answered put on speaker.  Only then I notice the other person in the room.  "Pat where are you" Pau asks "I-I'm sorry I won't be coming home" I say my voice shaking as I try harder to break free.  The guy gets onto the bed and starts pulling down my pants.  Tears start falling "Pat what....  What do you mean?" Pau asks "please stop I'm just a kid" I whimper.  The guy laughs pulls my pants off fully. "Pay please save me" I scream. The guy pushes a finger into me I start crying.  "He's on his way just don't give in hun" pau says calming me a bit.  "I love you Pau" I say "awe you haveng fun talking to your boyfriend" the guy says pushing another finger in.  I close my eyes.  "If he doesn't come soon I'm not coming home ever" I say "what do you mean" he asks.  "I have a way to kill myself" I whisper so only Pau hears.  After a bit the guy pulls his fingers out and I try getting away more.  He holds me still putting the tip if his thing to me.  I et ready to kill myself.  Just as I'm about to I hear a gun shot then feel the handcuffs fall from my wrist. I then hear panting.  "DO NOT TOUCH MY BROTHER" Pay says As the guy falls from the bed. The call ends and Pay runs over hugging me tightly and kisses my face. until finally kissing my lips.  I kiss back tangling my fingers in his hair pulling him closer.  He gasps letting me slide my tongue in his mouth. We make out for a bit. once we get home in carrying Pay do to the fact he might not be able to walk for a few days.  (Oh how I wish they were already sixteen.) I lay him on his bed in his room. Pau runs over and hugs me tightly once I leave his room. "I was scared I was gonna lose you" he says.  I hold him close.  I love you Pau I'm sorry" I say.  After a few days Pau and I go out for a walk.  We hear a gun shot and see a couple walk out from an ally way.  I look at Pau he nods.  We run in to see a little boy with fox ears and a tail. He was bleeding.  We get the bandages and try saving him.  The boy dies. No I can't let him.  I look to Pau then sigh.  I kiss the boys head reviving the boy.  He's asleep now.  "Y-your an angel" Pau says.  I nod picking up the boy and taking him home.  While the boy heals Pau and I decide to adopt the boy.  We in the end move to London with the boy.  Pay went to Canada for a few days and comes to our new home with a little girl.  Her hair is blond and she has blue eyes.  I smile "well at least Tord has a cute little cousin now" I say "ya And her name is Crystal".

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