Introducing Me

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America sat in his seat in the meeting room, surprisingly early for the nation, but that was due to the fact that he was the host of today's World Summit meeting. In his lap sat a large acoustic guitar, which he strummed absently.

Recently, he and Tony had taken to watching some old rom-com movies as well as some musical ones, and this had given the American the idea to bring his instrument to today's meeting and try to cheer people up.

His feet rest lazily on the table as he strummed the instrument, his eyes closed as a certain tune came to mind. He smiled at laughed at it, the song being from one of the Disney movies he and Tony had watched earlier.

He glanced down at the strings and plucked them, silently chuckling to himself at the thought of the song.

He started to play, just as countries began filing into the room.

"I'm good at wasting time

I think lyrics need to rhyme

And you're not asking

But I'm trying to grow a mustache~"

He sang happily, strumming the guitar as he twitched his foot to the beat in his head. The countries that had come in, namely Germany and Italy, glanced at one another before sitting down and watching him.

This was America after all. It's best not to try and interrupt.

"I eat cheese, but only on pizza, please

And sometimes on a homemade quesadilla

Otherwise it smells like feet to me~"

The American heard Italy giggle at the lyrics, Mexico and Spain shaking their heads as they came in, Romano sleeping on Spain's back.

"And I, I really like it when the moon looks like a toenail,

And I love you when you say my na-a-ame~"

America paused, sitting up and glancing at Canada and France as they entered the room, his twin rolling his eyes at his brother's antics.

He started strumming again, standing up to sing with a wide smile as more countries entered the now music-filled conference room.

"If you wanna know

Here it goes—

Gonna tell you this

The part of me that shows if you're close

Gonna let you see everything~"

He sang, beginning to dance-walk to the imaginary beat as Turkey, and Greece entered. Greece, for once, looked not tired in the slightest, and was even smiling at the music America played.

"But remember that you asked for it!

I'll try to do my best to impress

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