Room 3

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At first glance, Room 3 appeared to be just a normal room. It was sparsely furnished with a wooden chair in the middle of the floor and a single lamp in the corner that did a poor job of lighting the area.

It took me a few minutes to realize that there was something not quite right about the room.

The light cast shadows across the floor and wall but the problem was there are too many shadows.
I could see the shadow of the chair against the wall but, there were other shadows beside it that it shouldn't be there.

I happened to glance at my feet. A chill sent down my spine as soon as i realized that my...

Shadow was missing.

At that moment. A vague and forbidding feeling of impending doom gripped my heart and my courage deserted me.

Reaching behind me, i clutched the doorknob of the door behind me hoping it will turn for me to flee from that terrifying room but. I imaging my suprise when i realized it was locked.

I didn't have the option of retreating. The only thing i could do was walk across the room to the other door and press on, further deep into the house. I clutched the handle of the door with a number 4 in it.

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