Room 7

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I stumbled to the door mentally exhausted and physically weak. The door behind me closed and i realize where i was.

I was outside. Not outside like Room 5 but actually outside. My eyes stung, i wanted to cry. I fell to my knees and tried but i couldn't. I was finally out of that hell. I didn't even cared about the prize that was promised. I turned around and saw that the door i just went through was the entrance.

I walked to my car and drove my way home, thinking of how a nice shower sounded.

As i pulled up to my house, i felt uneasy. The joy of leaving No End House had faded and dread was slowly building in my stomach. I shook it of as residual from the house and made my way to the front door.

I entered and immediately went up to my room. There on my bed was my cat, Chimera. He was the first living thing i had seen all night and i reached to pet him.

He hissed and swiped at my hand. I realized in shocked, as he had nevet acted like that. I thought,

"Whatever, he's an old cat."

I jumped in the shower and got ready for what i was expecting to be a sleepless night.

After my shower, i went to the kitchen to make something to eat. I descended the stairs and turned into the family room. That i saw would be forever burned into my mind, however.

My parents were lying on the ground naked and covered in blood. They were mutilated to near-unidentifiable states. Their libs was removed and placed next to their bodies and their heads were placed in their chests facing me. The most unsetting part was their expressions. They were smilling, as though they were happy to see me.

I vomited and sobbed there in the family room. I didn't knoe what had happened; they didn't lived with me at that time. I was a mess, then i saw it.

A door that was never been there before.

A door with a large 8 scrawled on it in blood.

I was still in the house. I was standing in my family room, but i was in Room 7. The face of my parents smiled wider as i realized this. They weren't my parents. They couldn't be, but they looked exactly like them. The door marked 8 was across the room. Behind the mutilated bodies in front of me. I know i had to move on, but at that moment. I gave up. The smiling faces tore into my mind. They grounded me where i stood.I vomited again ang nearly collapsed. Then the hum returned. It was louder than ever and it filled the house and shook the walls. The hum compelled me to walk.

I began to walk slowly. Making my way closer to the door and the bodies. I could barely stand, let alone walk, and the closer i got to my parents, the closer i came to suicide. The walls were now shaking so hard. It seems as though they were going to crumble, but still the faces smiled at me.  As i inched closer, their eyes followed me. I was now between the two bodies, only a few feet away from the door. The dismembered  hands clawed their way to the carpet towards me, all while the faces continued to stare. New terror washed over me and i walked faster.

I didn't want to hear them speak. I didn't want the voices to match those of my parents. They began to open their mouths and the hands were inches from my feet. In a dash of desperation, i lunged towards the door, threw it open, and slammed it behind me. Room 8.

 Room 8

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