Room 4

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The 4th room was possibly the most disturbing. There was no light. The door behind me closed automatically and i was left standing there in a complete darkness.

It was pitch black and i couldn't see a thing. I was scared to move.

I am not afraid of the dark and never have been. But there was something about that particular darkness that absolutely terrified me. Darkness doesn't describe it fully. It was an absence of anything.

It was dead silence. I couldn't hear a thing. I couldn't even hear myself breathing. For me, it was the sound of Death.

Just then, the silence was broken down by a low hum. The hair on the back of my neck stood up and i felt something pass behind me.

I turned around as quickly as possible, but it was impossible to make out anything in the darkness.

The hum grew louder and more intense. The noise seemed to surround me. I knew something was there, lurking in the dark and i knew that it was gradually drawing closer.

Until then, i had never felt that kind of abject fear. I wasn't scared of dying, i was scared of what will happen to me if i lived. I was afraid of what the lurking in the darkness had in store for me.

The humming noise grew louder and louder until i can't take it no more. I feel like the darkness could consume me more. The longer i stay in this room, the more i was so desperate to leave. Anytime i could go mad.

Then, in a split second...

There was a flash of light before the room was plugged into back darkness again. In that split second, i saw that the room was empty. There was nothing there.

The hum was now a wild screech and i have to cover my ears. I run forward. I run for seconds but it felt like an eternity.

Then suddenly...

Light suddenly turned on. I was in a completely empty room with just only two doors on opposite site. But i was still scared. I ran quickly to the opposite door and clutched and turn the handle of the door with a number 5 in it. Then i suddenly fell into the 5th room.

After that, i lost consciousness.

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