K1-B0 X Ouma

825 11 11

Me: I shall write down now
Shuichi: Do it Author-sama

Oh god 😱! my first request was to write a Yaoi ship.
Oh well, I'm not gonna make it sexual though.

Asperrequested by xX-_BrittsPaws_-Xx


Kokichi always teases Kiibo and makes him feel like he should suffer. Kiibo was always pissed because of that but he did not want to go violent to him so he always ignore what Kokichi said until one day.

Kiibo was having a conversation with Saihara when.

"Hey Kiiboy the useless Robot" Kokichi called.

"Please don't call me that Ouma-kun" He replied.

"Never. By the way, I want you to carry a 40 box of Panta to my room now".

"Not today Ouma-kun. We're having a conversation with Saihara on how to escape in this academy".

"Oh, is that so?" Kokichi leaves but he said something.

"What a useless metallic crap" Kokichi said.

Saihara wants to say back but was stopped by Kiibo then continue the conversation.

The next day

Kiibo was at the cafeteria when Kokichi is about to say something.

"Guys!! I want to say something. Gonta! Are you a child?".

"No Ouma-kun" Gonta replied.

"You know, you can't be a gentleman if you're like that. You're a muscular guy but I think you don't have a fucking brain. I mean, what's the purpose of being a gentleman if you are just a wannabe child and you can't protect a single human?"

Kokichi said broke Gonta's feelings then he falls down to his knees then tears started to form.

"B-But Gonta can be a gentleman. G-Gonta can. G-Gonta can prove that he can become a gentleman".

"Just give up" Kokichi replied then makes his scary face and continue "You'll never gonna be a gentleman because you're not useful".

Kiibo suddenly went to Gonta and comforts him saying "Don't listen to him Gonta-kun. I believe that you can be a gentleman just work hard and you'll achieve what you want".

"T-Thank you K-Kiibo-kun" Gonta said.

"You're welcome".

"You Iruma!" Kokichi called her.

"What is it midget" She replied.

"You kept calling yourself the most beautiful and most intelligent person in the world but you can't even help Saihara-kun solve a case. Don't you even have a fucking brain or you don't even fucking use it?".


"And second, you just want to show your lewdness to the boys here. Are you a slut who wants to be fucked so hard that you can't even walk?".


"Stop that Ouma-kun!" Kiibo scolded Ouma.

"And what? Are you gonna do blast me like Megaman do? Oh wait you can't, you're a useless robot who can't even do a fucking thing."

"Can't you even consider what would everyone feel when you say they're useless?".

"I don't care how people feel but, did I hurt you emotionally? I thought robots like you are senseless crap?"

Kiibo's rage overcome then he suddenly did something unexpected.

He punched Kokichi so hard that he falls to the floor.

"Not because I'm a robot. I'm already a senseless crap that you said and doesn't understand what people feel when someone said hurtful things".

Kokichi stared at the floor as Kiibo let go all the anger he felt.

Kiibo then runs away as fast as he can to be alone.

"Get up now Ouma" Shuichi said.

Ouma didn't listen.

"Don't you wanna get up and say sorry to Kiibo?" Kaito asked.

"Hehehe.. Hahahahaha.. HAHAHAHAHA. Why should I? I only told him the truth".

"You know you're the one who's a senseless crap here" Kaito angrily said.

Kokichi then stood up and replied "I don't fucking care spaceboy" then he leaves.

Kokichi wanders off then he saw Kiibo who was just calming himself off before he overheats.

"I should say sorry to Ouma-kun after what I did" Kiibo said.

Moments later

Kiibo attempted to apologize to Kokichi but he always ignores him until it was nighttime.

Kiibo was gonna sleep in his room but he saw someone sneaking in holding a knife. He stalked them and saw that they are going to Kokichi's room.

He began to peek at the room and saw that they're gonna stab Kokichi while he glares at them.

Kiibo yelled "Stop that right now!!" Then he quickly entered to save Kokichi but the killer began to attack the robot and quickly escaped.

"Kiibo-kun!" Kokichi yelled then he began to carry Kiibo even though Kiibo is really heavy for Kokichi to carry him.

Minutes later the two reached Miu who yelled at them after they wake her up.

"What!! Can't you motherfuckers see that I'm sleeping in the middle of the night?" Miu exclaimed.

"Shut it!" He replied.

"Heeeeeeeh? I-I'm sorry".

"Ok ok just repair Kiibo-kun for me. He was stabbed 3 times at his body".

They carry Kiibo to her lab then she begins to repair him with Kokichi helping her out.

It took several minutes later to repair him completely. After that he woke up the two began to cheer up a little then they decided to sleep.

The next day. The rest wake up but Miu, Kiibo, and Kokichi. Minutes later they saw Miu who looks like she just woke up and still sleepy. After breakfast, Kokichi and Kiibo aren't awake yet so they began to search for the two but was stopped when the two entered the cafeteria.

The rest wondered except Miu why are the two became friends quickly even though what happened yesterday so Kiibo and Kokichi began to explain what happened.

"So you still gonna call Kiibo useless again?" Kaito asked.

"No" kokichi replied.

He then looked at Gonta then he apologized to him which Gonta accepted.

"Thank you Kiibo-kun, for saving me last night" Kokichi said to Kiibo.

"It's nothing and I'm sorry for punching you yesterday" Kiibo replied.

"I don't care about that".

Then Kokichi did something unexpected to him. He quickly pecked Kiibo in the lips which the rest and Kiibo shock them.

"What was that Ouma-kun?" Kiibo yelled.

"I want to see you embarrass in front of people" Kokichi teasingly replied.

"You!" Kiibo was pissed off again then Kokichi escape but Kiibo quickly chases him while the rest laughed at them.

Finished!! *Sigh* sorry if I made a crappy ending but I hope you like it. I did the best I can to make a moment for them and this came in my mind.

Kokichi: hello is this on? Well before we end this make sure you buy a Kokichi plushy before you leave, Bye

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