💪 Tenmiko 🎆

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Me: Rock, Paper,  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)scissors( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Tenko: you degenerate male!!!
Me: Wait, How do you know what I'm talking about?
Tenko: *shocked* I-I
Me: *pats her head* Just Joking I'm ok if you know tha-
Tenko: *slams me to the ground*

By the way Asperrequestedby GuavaKitsune

I'll protect you

Tenko is Himiko's best friend ever since their first encounter. She vowed to protect her which she still do it until now because the truth is she secretly likes her.

In return, Himiko appreciates Tenko more than a friend. She wants her to be by her side and she wants to pay her back which makes Tenko happy.

"There he goes again" Himiko groaned.

At their front is Kokichi with his group pranking the other students.

"Let's just ignore them shall we?" Tenko advised.

"Yeah, we really should" Himiko replied.

Kokichi noticed the two so he calls them but he was ignored so he confronts them.

"Hello Himiko-chan" he said as his face is near her.

"Aaaah" Himiko startled walking back to Tenko.

"What do you want degenerate male?" Tenko asked.

"I just wanna greet you two that's all. By the way where are you going?" He replied.

"None of your business" then they leave him behind.

"Hey brother, you think the plan will work?" One member of the D.I.C.E asked.

He smirks and said "of course brother after all, they always go there".

Meanwhile as the two girls open the door to the rooftop the two were splashed by a bucket with water that was at the top of the door.

They looked at the note at the bucket and it says 'You just got prank

"KOKICHIIIIIII!!!!!!!!" Tenko yelled.

The two are annoyed because their clothes are soaking wet.

"Hey Tenko, look" Himiko said.

Tenko then looked where himiko is pointing and saw their dried uniforms.

Himiko then went to get her clothes while Tenko is having a second thoughts but still she went to get them and as they were changing clothes they noticed a flash in front of them.

They look at it and there was a camera. Tenko and Himiko quickly took the camera as they completely changed their clothes.

Tenko looked at the gallery but their pictures weren't there. They saw a note again saying 'Pranked again nishishi

"Oh I'm so gonna beat his ass" Tenko clenched her fist looking very angry.

"I'm in" Himiko joined.

Next Day
Himiko is absent and Tenko is all alone at the cafeteria.

"Hello Tenko-chan, where's Himiko?" Kokichi asked her with his fellow group.

"Absent because of what you did yesterday. Oh and speaking of that" She punched him in the stomach.

"Owww, I told you it's gonna work" he said to his group.

"We're really sorry Tenko-chan" his group apologized to her.

A group of delinquents heard that Tenko is absent. They targeted Tenko and took her to a shed to get their revenge.

Back then, those delinquents were feared until Tenko showed up and beats them single handedly. Because of that their reputation became low and since then all they want is to beat her.

They didn't notice that Kokichi was there listening to their conversation so he immediately called Himiko.

"Himiko are you there?" He called.

"Nyes?" She sleepily said and her fever is going down.

"Tenko-chan is in danger".

"Nyeh, are you serious?".

"Yes, I'm really serious. Meet me at the front gate of the school got it?".

"Got it".

Himiko then quickly dress up despite that she still have a fever and went to the school while Kokichi is having a plan with his group on what to do to save Tenko.

Himiko was now at the front gate. Kokichi and his gang are also there moments later.

"Ok Himiko we've got a plan and I want you to do what is planned got it?" He said.

She nods replying to the question and he then tells her what she needs to do.

Meanwhile at the shed.
Tenko was half beaten and is tied up at the pole.

"Now say sorry for what you did" one delinquent said.

"Why should I if I was in the right?" She replied.

They then stomp Tenko's leg because of her reply.

"Oh my god!" Kokichi yelled as he reached the shed.

"What are you doing here?" They said.

"Just wandering around until I saw you beating Tenko. But I have something to ask you, are you really that coward that you want to tie a woman and beat her up?".

"Hey!!!! Don't you look down on women!!" She said.

"You made me piss now let's make you regret those words" they sid then one of them charges but kokichi evades with an ease then stomps the rack making its handle hit their face.

"Now!!" He yelled.

Then several objects were thrown at them making the delinquents to be distracted then Himiko went from the back door and untie Tenko.

Then Tenko went to fight them again and then they were defeated single handedly.

"Thank you for saving me Himiko" Tenko said after the fight.

"You must thank them too. They made this plan" Himiko said.

"And.. thank you too" She added.

"It's ok by the way, Himiko wants to tell you something".

"I-I want to say this for a long time but I love you" Himiko confesses.

"Way to go Himiko" he and his gang cheered.

"I-I-I love you too Himiko" Tenko hugged Himiko.

"Yes!!! They are now a thing" his gang said as the celebration has started.

The end

I'm getting lazy that's why

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