Mahiru X Souda

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Finally I can get back to writing. Asperrequested by RandyDandy388494

I'm feeling you're the only one that gives me request here.

One sided love

Mahiru and Kazuichi are friends back then. They always talk and hang out with others.

Mahiru began to love him back then but she also knew that he loves someone than her and it's (obvious that it's) Sonia Nevermind.

Mahiru always notice that Kazuichi acts differently (like an admirer) when he's with Sonia.

"Hey Mahiru-chan, do you still like that creepy perv inventor" Hiyoko asked.

Mahiru nods replying to Hiyoko's question.

Hiyoko sighed and just said "fine, it's your life but you know that he loves Princess Sonia".

"I know but I don't wanna give up".

"Why don't you just confess to him?".

"N-Not now".

Few days later

Mahiru entered the class when she saw Souda asking Sonia for a date which she replied with a yes.

That made Mahiru hurt but she shrugged it off. Hajime and Nanami looks concern at her so they want to talk to Mahiru at lunch.

"Hello Hajime-kun, Chiaki-chan. What do you want to talk to me?" Mahiru asked.

Hajime was carrying Chiaki because she's too lazy to walk.

"Well, we feel bad for you because of Kazuichi asking Sonia for a date" Chiaki replied.

"Why are you two feeling sad about it?".

"We know that you like Kazuichi-kun" Hajime added.

"So you know?" Mahiru blushed.

"Everyone in our class except for Kazuichi knows about it" he replied.

"Hello Mahiru-chan" Sonia greets her.

"P-Princess Sonia?" Mahiru exclaimed.

"It's ok to just call me Sonia". "I just want you to say that our date with Kazuichi is just a friendly date. Don't take it personally".

"It's ok Sonia-chan. You can make him your boyfriend".

"But I love someone better".

"Huh? Who is it?". Hajime, Chiaki and Mahiru are confused.

"Guess who?" Sonia dared the three.

"Ahhh! Is it Gundham?" Chiaki said.

Sonia nods then she explained why she loved Gundham more than Kazuichi and the three looks annoyed by the part when she said about the part where Kazuichi has a thing for blondes.

"Even though I already know about that, it still annoys me" Hajime said.

"Let's go to class, Lunch break is about to end" Chiaki reminded.

Souda is excited for his date when Mahiru finally decided to confess to him.

"Hey Mahiru-chan, there's something I need to say" Said Kazuichi.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I... I"

"What is it?" She's expecting for him to confess to her.

"I want to ask you what clothes would suit me for the daten".

This hurt her but she bear with it and answer "Just go with the simple clothing it suits you".

"You sure?".

She nods then she finally said it. "Kazuichi-kun, I want to say something that was kept a secret for a long time".

"What is it?"

"I love you"

He stopped at her confession but then he said "That's a funny joke Mahiru-chan. You really got me there".

"A... joke huh?" She started to cry silently as she looks to the ground heartbroken. She starts to hit his chest exclaiming "YOU DENSE IDIOT!!
Why would I lie about my confession. *stops hitting him* You know what I'm just making a scandal here" then she runs as fast as she could to leave him.

Souda in the other hand looks sad and regrets what he have done.

At the date with Sonia
"Kazuichi-kun? Why are you look so depressed?" Sonia asked feeling worried about him.

"I.... did something wrong to Mahiru earlier" he replied.

"Why? What did you do?".

"Earlier she confessed to me that she's in love with me but I turned her down in the rude way by... thinking that she was joking".

"You really are dense. Mahiru already likes you long ago. She doesn't have a courage to say it to you long ago".

He just stared at the table feeling regretful.

"If you want Mahiru to forgive you, you must throw your obsession with blondes away and apologize to her with sincerity" Sonia lectured.

"I'll try, Thank you Sonia".

Few days later
Hajime notices that Souda isn't obsessed to Sonia like the way he used to be so he confornts Souda to ask him why.

"I noticed that you aren't obsessed with Sonia that much days ago. What happened?".

"I want to change. After I hurt Mahiru, Sonia advised me to change for the better but I'm still trying" Souda repied.

Hajime just pat his back and starts to support him.

Lunch break
Sonia told Mahiru to meet her at the rooftop which she accepted but Sonia isn't the one Mahiru is really gonna meet but him.

"Souda? What are you doing here? And where is Sonia?" Mahiru said emotionless.

"She's with Gundham" he replied.

"But I thought she wants to talk to me here?".

"No, I planned it. I want to talk to you here for a moment".

"Is that so? Well, I have few more things to do so no I don't wanna" she tries to leave him but she was caught by his arms saying "I'm sorry Mahiru. I'm really really sorry".

She then stopped to listen to him.

"I really am a dense idiot because of my obsession. I never notice how you feel because I'm too obsessed to make her mine but today... May I think of you as the most treasured girl? Because I'm starting to like you" he said.

She then hugs him and looked up to him grinning with tears in her eyes "Yes, you may".

He wipes off her tears and kissed her forehead.


END SCENE!!! FINALLY!!! I finally finished this after days of procrastination.

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