Saihara X Kaede

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This guy named RandyDandy388494 wants more saimatsu so I'll do it.

Kokichi: people really do like shipping them huh?
Me: yeah, count me in because I'm one of them


"Do you want to reset this game?" said by the program as the text popped up

"I will, I'm gonna reset this and end this killing game quicker than before"

He tapped the word yes. He looked at Maki and Himiko who smiled at him like they're saying he made the right choice.

"Your wish is granted".

The ground crumbles, the sky turned black with numbers on it and the three fall endlessly.

"Let's end the killing game quicker and save everyone girls" Shuichi said to them.

"Yeah, let's do it" Himiko cheered.

"Right back at you" Maki added.

Then they turn pixels and fades away.

He was lying at the ground, wearing his cap and looks at his surroundings and saw the same place were he met her.

He opens the other locker and a girl inside that locker is going to fall to the ground, good thing he catches her.

He looked at the girl. Blonde hair, music notes hair clip, pink vest, backpack, purple skirt and purple socks? Yep, it's definitely Kaede Akamatsu.

His tears form a little and caress her hair lightly so she doesn't notice.

"Thank God you're alive again Kaede" He said.

Kaede suddenly wakes up from the feeling and she saw Shuichi hugs her and caress her hair so she suddenly push him to the ground.

Shuichi looks up and saw Kaede looking angry at him.

"What did you do to me while I was sleeping?" She said.

"I caressed your hair but I swear I didn't do anything bad to you. Sorry if you feel harassed" He replied.

"Are you sure?".

"Yes, Hate me forever if I did".

"Fine I trust you, by the way who are you mister?".

"I'm Shuichi Saihara, and I'm the ultimate detective".

"I'm Kaede Akamatsu, and I'm t-" she was cut by saihara saying that.

"The ultimate pianist, I know that"

"Amazing, detectives really are something huh? You already knew my ultimate talent at the first glance" she was amazed at the detectives ability

"Yup, we detectives really are amazing because of this ability but of course yours too" he lied not wanting to tell her the truth why he already knew about her.

He stood up and he stretched his hand to her saying "come on Akamatsu-san, let's go outside".

She nods and stretched her hand to let him pull her up and go outside.

They went to the gym to see everybody including Maki and Himiko.

"Did you tell them the truth?" Saihara ask them.

"No" Maki replied.

"Me as well" Himiko added.

"Good, it's best not to tell what happened to them?" Shuichi said.

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