It's Nice To Meet You

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I walked out of my fourth period to lunch with my head down.

I had to introduce myself in each class. All to which, people either laughed, which I could only see, and or people would talk to each other about it.

I didn't know if they whispered or talked louder, but I saw my name come out of their mouths more than once, while they giggled about it.

I bumped into someone, making me drop my books.

I looked up, to see the same guy I bumped into earlier. "Sorry!" He said. I smiled and shook my head.

"No, it's fine." I signed, then bent down to pick up my books.

"I'm Kellin." He said. "Vic." I signed.

"Do you understand asl?" I signed. He nodded.

"I speak it well enough to communicate." He signed. I smiled. "Lunch?" He signed. I nodded and followed him to the lunch room.


"Vic, this is Jesse, Gabe, Jack, Austin, Justin, and Jenna." Kellin said pointing to each one.

I nodded. "You don't talk much do you?" Gabe asked.

I shook my head.

Kellin gave me a look that asked ' you want me to tell them you're deaf?' And I shook my head.

Jenna looked down saying something. I looked at Kellin for help. "Excuse me?" I asked.

"How are you liking the school?" She repeated.

"It's nice, I guess." I said. That wasn't entirely true. I've been picked on a few times. And talked about multiples times, people pointing at me and laughing. It's like Chula Vista all over agin, but I haven't gotten beaten up yet.

Mike nudged me, "are you sure?" He asked. I nodded.

I don't want to bother him with my problems. He has enough of his own.

I looked around the room and found a group people pointing and giggling at me. Mike looked at what I was and you could practically see steam coming out if his ears.

"No." I mouthed. "What's wrong?" Jack asked. I shook my head. "Mike." I whispered, pulling on his arm. "What?" He signed.

"You're okay with them treating you like that?" He signed. I shook my head.

"Just drop it!" I signed. "Vic, you okay?" Jenna asked.

I realized my eyes were glassy.

Gabe tapped my arm, "are even listening?" He asked.

I shook my head, then Jack did the same thing.

Everyone began asking me if I was okay all at once. "Guys, stop!" Mike said.

My breathing was heavy and my eyes were even more glossy. "He's deaf." Kellin said. Everyone's faces softened.


"Why'd you tell them?" I signed. "They didn't need to know?" I signed.

"They needed to know!" Kellin said. "They're going to judge me! It's hard! I work three times as hard as you do everyday and I get bullied for it! You should've have told them!" I signed, a tear rolling down my face.

"Vic, calm down." Mike said, turning me towards him. He wiped my tears.

"Calm down." He mouthed. I nodded. "Sorry." I signed to everyone.

Jenna took my hands in hers. "It's okay. You have a right to be upset." She said.

I pulled my hands out of hers, gently. I looked down and closed my eyes.

This was my only escape from reality.


"What's he doing?" Gabe asked. "He's relaxing. It's his way of calming down. He can't hear so closing his eyes is like a type of wonderland. He's in his own space. He can't see, he can't hear. He's alone in peace." I explained.

"Why did you guys transfer here in the middle of the year?" Jenna asked.

"He was bullied severely, because of his deafness. He would get beaten up and end up in the hospital. His deafness actually got worse because of them beating him. After his third time...of attempting you know what, my mom decided to tell the principal and take it to court and we switched schools. He's doesn't talk very much because he has a slight deaf accent and he got made fun of for it." I said.


"Oh, god." Kellin said. "I know." I said.

Vic opened his eyes and sighed. "You okay?" I signed to him. He nodded.

The bell rang, just as his watch flashed. "That's a cool watch." Justin said.

"It's to tell me when the bell rings." Vic said.

We all stood up and went to class.



"Mom?" I asked, walking to the kitchen. "Yeah?" She asked. "What's for dinner?" I signed.

"Tacos." She said. I nodded. "Can I go to the park for a while to get my mind off of things?" I signed. "Wait, slow down." She said

I wish she would learn how to sign. "I'm going out." I signed. She nodded. I grabbed

my back pack and walked to the park.

I sat down under a tree, and pulled out my notebook and began to write.

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