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|| a few months later ||

We sat at the lunch table, just talking about random things that happened in our lives.

Vic gave my hand a squeeze and kissed my fingers. I put my head on his shoulders.

"I love you." He whispers. "I love you too." I sign, just so I can keep my head rested on his shoulder.

"You guys are too cute for your own good." Jenna said.

I smiled. "I knew you were gonna get him." She said with a smile.

"I haven't been this happy in my entire life." I said. Vic had his eyes closed and his rested on my shoulder. He had forced me to sit on his lap, I just don't know why. Is it because I'm slightly smaller than him? I don't even know, all that I do know is that he is very comfortable.

"Is he okay?" Jesse asked. I nodded,"He's probably enjoying his last couple months of being able to tune everyone out and be in his own world." I said. "He's getting the Vittam?" (I'm using that as the name of the device they're wiring to put in his Vic's brain and giving him hearing aids to hear and shit. I never got to explain what the surgery did, lol oops.) i nodded.

I kind of liked having a deaf boyfriend, he wouldn't be able to hear how tired or worn out I was. He could just a read. And I liked to keep the tone of my voice at a mystery, but then again, its not fair to Vic.

He's has to work so much harder to fit into this messed up world.

+ Vic's pov +

I opened my eyes, letting out a small breath. Everyone was in there own conversation, leaving me out of it.

I hated this. I couldn't get what anyone said because I kept glancing at everyone.

It's so hard. I can't stand this.

July needs to come fast, because if that surgery doesn't, I might just kill myself.

Kellin looked at me worry in his eyes. "You okay?" He asked.

Everyone had stopped talking. They were looking at me. I nodded. I didn't trust my voice, I would've said something. And Mike damn well knows it, by the way he's looking at me. He knows I'm about to just burst.

"Vic, if you need to talk it out, do it." Mike said.

I closed my eyes. "I'm sick of this." I said. "My fucking life is on mute." I opened my eyes again to see the sympathy in everyone's eyes except Kellin and Mike. They know I hate sympathy.

"Two months," Kellin said. "Two months until you can hear my voice," he grabbed my hands. "Two months until you can hear yours," he kissed my nose. You could see the tears welling up in his eyes. "Two months until you can hear the world."

I nodded, "Two months." I repeated. He kissed my cheek. "Two months." He signed.

Then everybody said "Two Months!"

+ a week + kellin's +

We laid on his bed. I put my head on his bare chest, just listening to his heartbeat.

He slid his hand in mine."I love you." He said. I smiled, and sat up. "I really love you, Vic." I said.

He gave me a smile. But didn't sat anything, but that was okay.

"Kellin, what's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing's wrong." I said.

"No, not right now, but what's wrong in general?" He asked.

"Oh." Was all I could get out.

"Uh...home is what's wrong." I said then looked away.

"What's happening?" He asked, making me look up. "He thinks I told people what's happening, which I have, and he's just become...a lot worse." I signed. I didn't want to talk. I'd just cry, and I don't want to cry in front of him right now.

"Who else did you tell?"

"Your mom. She knew something was wrong." I said, my hands starting to shake.

"You do realize if you tell my some more about what's happening...she'll make if stop? Because she can. We're always here to you, kells." He said.

"What would she do?" I asked. "Knowing her, she'd try and get custody of you." Vic said.

Maybe, that wouldn't be bad. Maybe, that would be fantastic.

"Do you think she could?" I asked. He nodded, "we have a pretty good lawyer, but do you really want to?" I nodded.

"I really want to." I said.

He pulled me into his as I wrapped my arm around his neck.

"I love you." I whispered. He smiled, "I love you too." He whispered.


When I went home that night, I prayed that he'd be asleep. But he wasn't.

"WHERE THE HELL WHERE YOU?" He screamed, pushing me down.

He didn't even give me a chance to answer. He just kicked me and punched me, but he didn't stop until he was satisfied. He grabbed an empty beer bottle and broke it against my hand, causing me to cry out in pain.

"Stop...stop please." I begged, the tears falling out of my eyes.

He pulled me up by my hair, "do yourself a favor, and die." He sneered, throwing me to the ground and leaving.

I crawled into a ball, crying my eyes out. The tears never stopped. I was crying but I felt numb.

Taking the sharp glass, I sliced into my skin. At first it stung, but I kept going. Because after it, I at least knew I was alive.

Read My Lips || Kellic [EDITING]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن