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A/N: Hey! Yeah you! You're amazing just because you are reading this so I love you all, since I am your Queen.

Now, I love writing fan-fiction but I never really had the confidence to write it until I almost forced myself too-- oops. So this is just going to be a series of Lams one-shots that my brain comes up with at 3 in the morning.

I will happily accept requests though!! Just pm me through my profile, because my brain can't come up with most of the things since i am uncreative as hell. (BTW: I curse a lot and I type how I talk--so stop now if you don't want to read that!) 

With that note, I welcome you to my book of Lams One-Shots. This wouldn't even been possible if it weren't for the help and encouragement of my amazing girlfriend, so you have her to thank for this!

You should also thank @SOFTPJM- and @harmonichowell because they are the best friends a girl could ever ask for.

Thanks my children and always remember my quote:

"Being Gay is always good, except for when it's bad, 

then it's still pretty good."

-TGQ (191 Words) 

Lams One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now