"I'll Be Here"

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I got this idea from an animatic that I recently watched, and it's safe to say that it had me bawling like the baby I am. I suggest you all go watch it because that's where I got the idea for this one shot.

However, I'll be changing it up because if you wanted to see the original story you can watch the animatic.

Also, John is trans.

I love you.



I-It can't be....

Alexander stood at the phone, the sirens sounding around him. The loud noises felt like a bullet to the heart. 

Baby....you can't leave me....we were supposed to do so many more things together...Why'd you have to leave now..

Alex didn't realize that his legs gave up on him, and he had fallen to the ground. It seems a lot of things seem to be failing him. It was their one year wedding anniversary..the news is on...what he heard broke him in every way a person could be broken.

'Some say that it was a freak accident.......LOOK! ANOTHER PLANE WENT INTO THE SECOND TOWER!! Wow.....William this isn't a happy day for most....wow....'

The words caused Alex's heart to stop dead in it's tracks..

"J...John..." tears started to form and fall by the second, and soon our Alexander was sitting in a pool of his own tears. John Laurens-Hamilton worked in the North Tower in the World Trade Center in New York City.

And Alex was facing his worst fear.

The phone began to ring.

Alexander stood gently on his weak legs, answering the phone, preparing for the worst words he could ever hear. He loved John too much to let him go, even for death. John always told him that their love that they share is too strong to break under anything..and Alex sure hoped that death was included in that.

"Mr. Alexander Hamilton-Laurens?'

Alex shakily held the phone closer to his face with two hands.

"Y-yes that's m-me.." he whispered, scared of the next few words.

"Hello. We are here to tell you that your husband Johnathan has been found and admitted into Hospital.. He is currently in surgery for a minor arm break but nothing too serious."

Alexander cried out tears of relief, hearing that his John was okay. 

"And we would also like you to know, that he is with child. Congrats and I'm sure I'll be seeing you in about an hour." The phone line cut off. 

John was pregnant?! The thought left Alex in shock, still bawling his eyes out.

---------One Hour Later---------

"Laurens-Hamilton?" Alex stood at the front desk asking the receptionist where John was...looking worried as he studied her thin features and painted on makeup with perfectly groomed hair and nails.

Alex got the room number and practically ran down the hall, entering the room to see his husband on the bed, sitting up and smiling. Of course he would be smiling... John's arm was in a white sling, and when his eyes met Alex's......that's when the dam broke.

Alex ran over to his husband, bawling and holding onto him tightly. 

"Don't ever scare me like that again or a swear I will raise you from the dead and kill you again myself."

John chuckled a little before nodding hugging Alexander dearly.

Alex couldn't help but put his hand on John's stomach when they broke apart, causing Alex to start crying again.

"So they told you?" John inquired, placing one of his hands over Alex's, smiling lightly at the small gesture.

Alex could only nod, looking up at John. "How long have you known?"

"About a month or so"

Alex could only look down at John's stomach, smiling although tears were streaming down his face. "I almost lost the two people closest to me...others weren't so lucky."

Alex hugged John, the latter whispering in the former's ear.

"And I'll be here."

(600 words)

Until next time me lovies...

The Gay Queen 

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