chubby!Alex (TW)

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I wanted to do a one shot of something that was always really close and personal with things that I still struggle with...and that's weight.

Everything you see Alex do, or say to himself in this one shot I have personally done to myself.

With that, I must also put a Trigger Warning on this chapter, but I hope you enjoy this <3

Alex POV

The day started out as any other day, starting with me walking into my law firm with my strongest coffee located safely in my hands.

I took a light sip from it as I unlocked the building and went to my seat, setting my keys and cup down. I sighed, looking around at the various photos on my desk. Some were from childhood, others were from college, and they showed my weight gain over the years.

Just the thought made me want to burn myself. I hated my appearance and the very thought of it made me wish I could just leave and never come back. Ever.

Instead, I tried to focus on something, anything, else. So, I decided that I would walk tot he bathrooms to freshen up.

But that just made everything worse.

I looked in the mirror and I /hate/ the way I look.

My face is round with large cheeks and a hint of a double chin. I just all around hated myself, and I hated how I couldn't accept it.

I've been trying for years, and I always seemed to compare myself to others—and I hate it.

I hate a lot of things.

Once most of the crew entered the building, I decided to start my day.

I had a meeting with the new spokesperson we hired, a Mr. John Laurens. The name sounded amazing.

As soon as I let out a heavy sigh, a man with long, curly hair and freckles galore walked in the door. The sight left me speechless. I could feel my face heat up as I pinched myself to stop it as Laurens sat down in front of me with a smile plastered on his face.

"I'm John Laurens, I'm the new spokesperson you hired?" He giggled at the end, which made my heart melt.

But then I saw his right shirt and I could see his abs through the shirt and I felt horrible about myself.

Why is he talking to me? He looked like the vision of healthy while I looked like a fat sack of crap.

It's true. Every word.

I sighed and put on a smile as I conversed with Mr. Laurens, showing him the ropes and watching all of the cute things he did when he was nervous. Like how he played with his hair, and how he pained his nails, or how he giggled a little more then normal.

It was cute as hell.

Eventually, I sighed as I finished his tour and went to go and check up on the other workers here. A few years back, we hired a trio of sisters, and a day with them is never dull.

Angelica, the oldest of the three, came up to me with a smile, saying that she wanted to talk to me privately. I nodded, not really knowing what she wanted to talk about but okay.

We went into an empty conference room as she locked the door and turned to me, her arms folded in front of her chest. I was in deep shit.

"Have you eaten today?" Angelica asked, even though it sounded more like an accusation coming from her lips.

I fidgeted a little, playing with my fingers as I couldn't even look her in the eye.

"Its true." I tried, telling myself not to cry. God, I'm so pathetic that it's not even funny.

Angelica just gave a sympathetic smile as she came over and wrapped her arms around me, and I broke down in her arms.

"How did you find out?" I managed to say in-between sobs. I thought I hid it well, but maybe not as well as I thought. In honesty, I haven't eaten in a little under a week.

"A little birdy named John Laurens told me." She replied with a soft smile. His name was enough to make me blush bright red.

After a few more tears and hugs, I was ready to go out and face the workplace. What I wasn't ready for, however, was John Laurens standing right outside the conference room doors. What I also wasn't ready for, was the hug he enveloped me into as soon as I left that room.

"You're perfect, just the way you are." He whispered into my ear, causing me to blush as his feathery lips made contact with my cheek.


Don't judge me, I needed some fluff for my soul at the end. I've come a long was from how I used to act towards my body, and it all started with someone constantly telling me I'm perfect for them and that's all that matters.

Yet another thing you all should thank my amazing girlfriend for.

Special thanks to SOFTPJM- who is honestly the best ever.

Please feel free to comment and request more one shots and I'll talk to you guys real soon ❤️

-TGQ (885 Words)

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