Chapter 5

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*The Next Day*

"Hey Lillian!" I said cheerfully as I walked into the classroom.

"Hiya Raye," she said pulling me to my seat. "Why you so giggly today? Ooooh, is it a boy??" She asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"W-What? No-" I stuttered out.

"Don't lie to me Raye, I'm a witch." She blankly stared. "I know when people lie."

I stared at her trying to decide to tell her or not. "I found my mate..." I say under my breath.

"Your mat- YOUR A WEREWOL-"

"SHUT UP!!!! Not all these humans or other creatures need to know!" I hissed out as my hand was held to her mouth.

"Why didn't you tell me!?" She said pushing my hand away.

"Because.... Not everyone accepts that... mostly because I'm a hybrid." I said shamefully.

"...But thats awesome! The fact that your still living is just... Woah!?" She said in astonishment.

"What do you mean "Woah" ?" I asked.

"Well... Have you ever heard of a hybrid witch-she wolf before?" Lillian asked.

"No... and not to mention shapeshifter too.." I whispered to myself. I look up at Lillian to see her staring in disbelief.

"Three... woah..." She said as she put her hand on her forehead. "I knew something was up... I had this gut feeling when I first met you but this... THIS I did not expect..." she said.

"Is it bad..? I ask growing nervous.

"No no no, Raye if anything it makes you even more special then I thought." she says putting her hands on my shoulders.

"Okay," I say smiling. She lets go of my shoulders as she sees the teacher handing out worksheets.

"Let's see what we have here..." She said looking over the paper. "You know you didn't tell me about that boy," she said looking at me from the corner of her eye.

"Oh, yeah!" I laughed nervously. "Well let me just tell you, he's... He's just wow," I say in awe.

"That hot?" Lillian asked laughing

"Yeah... *sigh* He has the piercing blue eyes that make me melt. And my god his body is perfect... AND Those teeth! My goddesses"

"Wow, you got it bad girly." Lillian chuckles. "What's his name?" She asks.

"Zack," I say proudly.

"Sounds cute," She laughs again. "You gonna go for him?" I freeze. "Are you Raye?"

"I um...*RINGGG* Oh look! Class is done!" I say jumbling my stuff together trying to bolt to the door.

"Raye!" Lillian calls out. I stop as I'm all the way out the door. I see him standing outside the door. My heart begins to pound as he looks at me. Then I see her. She has short blonde hair with purple tips, a "perfect face" with a smile that could melt any boys heart. She was short, shorter than my 5'2 self, she had a small chest, hips and a butt. Two things I didn't have.She walked up as he stood waiting for her. She draped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He pulled her more into a hug then the kiss by her butt then pulled from her lips.

"Raye! What was-" Lillian stopped mid sentence taking in my facial and what I was looking at. "Raye..." She grabbed my hand and started to pull me away.

"Now I know the pain I caused you Zack..." I said before turning away fully. As if he heard me, he looked at me being pulled away by Lillian. I could hear our wolves whining, and I could tell, he wanted to be holding me instead of her.


The sun shined bright as it hit the cement of the roof garden, the birds and bee's chirped as they flew around flowers breaking the silence between Lillian and I. I sit with my legs crossed under the sun as I let it hit my back and listen to the birds as if they're singing a song. I look at my sandwich as I contemplate to eat it or not, I look up to see Lillian worried. I look away as I take a bite.

"Im sorry Raye.." Lillian spoke quietly breaking the birds song.

"That's why Lil', and don't be. He told me he had a girlfriend." I stopped and took another bite of my sandwich.

Lillian paused before asking, "Did you skip fourth hour?"

"Yeah, I couldn't do it. I tried but I couldn't." I say quietly. Lillian stayed quiet as we ate. "I walked to the door and I saw them. His hands were all over her and as if she knew what was going on, she looked at me and smirked. THEN she licked his neck!" I said as my breathe became heavy. "I felt sick and couldn't stay there, I couldn't take the pain. Especially all hour!"

"Raye, I get it... I can say it does get easier Raye," Lillian spoke.

"You don't know anything about werewolves do you?" I chuckled.

"I actually know a lot." She bluntly said.

"Yeah? Tell me what you know."

"Well, you two are mates. Mates always end up together unless they both reject each other. You wolves shift after your 16th birthday and a whole lot of other stuff. So like I said, it'll get easier. I promise." She said.

"And if we don't...?" I ask quietly.

"You will. I promise" she states instead of saying."But you shouldn't skip the rest of the day. You need to show you're strong."

"I won't skip anymore classes Lil' I promise," I giggle out.

"Okay good!" She giggles. *RING* "Then let's get to 5th hour." She stands and drags me up with her.

"Okay okay." I say as I get up. "I can do this."

*At Home*

'I am so done with today!' I think to myself. I drag my feet down the hallway as I make my way to my room. Mario purrs at my feet as I open my door and throw my shoes off. I drop my bag on my floor and begin to put comfy clothes on.

"It was such a long day Mario... I'm so happy to be home."


"Yeah that's right, for the rest of the night. No friends, just you, me and homework." I begin to get undressed and put my hair in a bun. I pull some loose shorts out of my dresser then pause, I look at my thighs. I look into the mirror and see my scars, they run across my thigh and on my sides as if they're trying to disappear themselves.

"I have to be strong..." I whisper out loud. I put my shorts on slowly just missing my sore ankles and sat in bed with Mario. "Let's do some homework buddy." I say quietly as I pet his head.

Later that night I lay awake thinking about Zack, and even though I didn't want it to, my heart raced as I thought of him. I turn on my side when I hear a whimper within my head.

'I miss him Raye. I want his touch, his scent, his love. It hurts to know he's... That he's with her! That little-' I cut my wolf off with a cough. I know what she was about to say, and I felt the same way. I just wanted him. But I knew I would have to wait... I just wish I didn't. I try to shut my eyes and fall asleep, and it works, I fell asleep with Zack in my mind. 


Hey guys, I'm sorry about this chapter... I've been having trouble with Wattpad recently and I dont have the time I want or need to write... So I'm sorry that chapters come out slow, but I'm working on it! Love you guys!  

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