This is only the beginning

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Sehun's P.O.V 

I could feel the beads of sweat run down my forehead as we preformed Monster for the hundredth time this week. I was so tired, I just wanted to stop but this wasn't practice. I kept moving to the beat of the music. As the song came to the end, I felt myself sit on the stage to catch my breath, the audience was screaming and I smiled to myself realizing that no matter how tired I am they are why I get up every morning. Chanyeol came over and sat next to me, laying his head on my shoulder. As the audience started to quiet down I head Suho starting to speak. 

"Hello EXO-L! How are you tonight?" He yelled and the audience yelled back "We thank you so much for coming out here to see us! None of this would be possible without you guys. We love you!" 

He motioned for us to come and stand next to him. I pulled myself off the stage floor and walked over to stand next to Baekhyun. Still tired, I laughed my head on his shoulder. 

"Are you okay?" Baekhyun whispered in my ear 

"Yes, I'm just tired" I whispered back 

"Unfortunately we must end tonight's show. As you can see our Maknae is very tired" Suho yelled

We all waved good bye and said thank you to the audience. We made our way off stage to the back room where we got ready. I made my way into the room and threw myself onto the couch. The staff had already gotten most of the stuff packed up, but we still needed to grab our personal stuff. I forced myself off the couch and grabbed my jacket and backpack. I headed to the door and stood next to Chen as we waited for everyone else to be ready.

"I'm hungry" I yawned

"Me too"

We finally made our way to the cars to go back to the hotel. I crawled into the back seat of one of the cars and laid my head against the window. I started to fall asleep when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Hmm?" I hummed and didn't bother to lift my head from the window

"Are you sure you're okay? You don't look so good" I heard Baekhyun's voice next to me

"Yeah" I yawned and looked at him "I'm okay Baek, just tired" I laid my head on his shoulder

I began to fall asleep as we took off from the parking lot. I could feel Baekhyun running his fingers through my hair. Before I could fully fall asleep, we arrived at the hotel. I could already hear our fans screaming our names. Slowly everyone started to exit the car, except for me and Baekhyun. I didn't want to get up. I just wanted to sleep right here on Baekhyun's shoulder.

"Sehun, get up we have to go inside" Baek gently nudged me and ran is hand over my cheek

"No, I want to sleep right here" I said as I wrapped my arms around him

"If you get up, then you can sleep with me."

I looked up at him with big puppy dogs eyes "Promise?"

"I promise"

We finally exited the car. We made our way through the crowd of people, stopping for pictures and signing things for our fans. I could feel myself getting light headed. I walked over to Chanyeol and wrapped my arm around him, acting as if I was talking to him. He guided me inside and into the elevator. I leaned against the cool steal of the elevator and rode it all the way yo floor seven. I let everyone get off before me, because I could not bring myself to walk forward. Baekhyun was about to get off when he saw that I had not moved, he walked back on and grabbed my hand.

"Sehun, are you sure you're okay? I don't think you are"

I wrapped my arm around him and smiled, we walked off the elevator and met up with the others. I took Baekhyun's room key and opened the door. I took off my shoes and threw myself onto the bed. I don't know if Baek followed me of not, but I didn't care. I slowly started to fall asleep.

Baekhyun's P.O.V

Sehun had walked into my room and fallen asleep on my bed. I dropped my stuff off in my room, but went to go eat with the others. I walked down the hall to Suho's room and knocked. Chanyeol opened the door and let me in. I walked over to Kai and sat next to him.

"Where's Sehun? He said he was hungry" Chen asked

"He's asleep in my room. He kept saying he was tired" I said as I picked up a bowl of Kimchi 

 "He really needs to eat something. I don't think he has eaten at all today" Suho said 

I nodded in agreement and got up to go get Sehun. I walked down to the end of the hall and opened up my room door. Sehun was still in the same spot I had left him in. I walked over to the edge of the bed and tapped on his feet, he didn't wake up. So I moved up and tapped on his shoulder, he was still asleep. I grabbed his shoulder and started to slightly shake him. Before I could say anything Sehun grabbed me and pulled me into bed with him. He wrapped his arms around me and placed his head into the crook of my neck. 

"What do you want?" Sehun whispered in a deep husky voice 

I turned to face him, and lifted his head up so he was looking at me. "You need to eat something"

"I'm not hungry, I'm tired" He said as he moved his head back to where it was 

I laid there for a minute before I spoke "If your not going to eat, I'm not going to eat" 

"What?" Sehun quickly popped his head up and looked at me 

"Your not eating so I'm not eating" I rolled over and tried to go to sleep 

"Okay okay I'll eat, just please eat something" He said with big puppy eyes as he moved my head so I would look at him 

I smiled and got out of the bed. I fixed my hair and stuck my hand out to Sehun. He looked at me for a minute before reluctantly getting up. I walked to the door and opened it, but before I opened it all the way Sehun pushed it closed and pinned me against the wall. He pushed his body closer to mine and whispered in my ear. 

"I want something in return for you waking me up" His deep voice sent shivers down my spine 

"Your already sleeping with me. What else do you want?" I innocently asked 

"I'll let you know when I think of it" He said with a wink 

I turned my back to him and went to open the door again, but he still wouldn't let me out. I looked over my shoulder at him and he smiled, when I looked away he grabbed my face and turned it back towards him. His soft lips touched mine, he gently moved his lips in the same motion as mine. He bite my bottom lip as he pulled away. 

"This is only the beginning."He said in his husky voice 

He slowly pulled away from me and the door. He smiled and let me walk out first. We made our way to Suho's room to eat. I just repeated his words in my head "This is only the beginning". I smiled to myself I can't wait for this.   

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