I like you

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It's was getting really late and we were still at the warehouse doing photos. Manager said that he could not find a group picture he wanted to release as our official comeback photo. I yawned and layed my head down on Baekhyun's shoulder.

"One more time, guys. I promise." Manager said as he put us all in a new order 

"You said that last time" Chen whined 

"I promise okay" 

We all got back into position and puled it together for one more picture. 

"YES! PERFECT! THAT'S THE ONE" Manager yelled as the photographer clicked the button

We all sighed in relief and ran to go get our stuff so we could back to the hotel. We all piled back into the cars. D.O called Suho in the other car and complained about being hungry, so we decided to stop and get some food at a nice restaurant. We stopped at an american place, Brooklyn The Burger Place. We all squeezed through the front door and made our way to the back so we could hide a little better. I sat next the wall and Baek sat next to me and then Chanyeol was across from me and Kai across from Baek. We all ordered, most of us getting big burgers. I yawned and layed my head on Baekhyun's shoulder. 

"Don't fall asleep. You need to eat something" he whispered in my ear 

He voice sent shivers down my spine. I loved it when he whispered in my ear. 

"I'm not gonna fall asleep" I buried my face in his neck 

"Aww look at our little Maknae and his little crush" Chanyeol laughed 

"Shut up" I groaned my face still buried in Baek's neck

"What?" Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol confused 

"Dude, Baek. Sehun has had the biggest crush on you since like we debuted" Chanyeol laughed 

"Actually, I liked him before that" I said popping my head up and looking at Chan 

"And look at you finally made a move" Chanyeol smirked 

"Haha" I smiled sarcastically 

The food came and we all scarfed it down. We stayed for a little while and talked before we finally headed back to the hotel. We all crammed into the elevator and rode all the way to floor seven. Baekhyun has been really quite since we left the restaurant. I nudged him and gave him a "are you okay?" kinda look. He just smiled and slightly nodded his head. We finally made it to our rooms and separated. Baek and I in one room, Chen and Xiumin, Suho and D.O, Chanyeol and Kai. When Baekhyun closed the door I jumped onto the bed. He came and sat quietly at the end of the bed. I sat up and moved next to him. 

"Baby. What's wrong?" I asked as I ran my fingers through his hair and made him look at me 

"It's just-- It's what Chanyeol said at dinner. Have you really liked me for that long?" He asked avoiding eye contact with me 

"Baby, I liked you the moment we met in the SM training room" I smiled and gently kissed him 

"Why did you never say anything?" 

"I was scared" 

"Of what?" 

"Loosing you..." I looked down and ran my fingers through my hair 

I felt Baekhyun's warm hands grab my face and pull me towards him. His soft lips gently pushed against mine. Our lips moved in the same motion for what seemed like a life time. 

"Sehun, you're never going to loose me" He smiled 

We put on some comfy sleeping clothes. I climbed into bed and wrapped my arms around Baekhyun. He turned around and faced me, he ran his fingers through my hair and kissed me one more time before closing his eyes to sleep. 


"Hmm, yes baby?" he asked, his eyes still closed 

"I like you, like a lot"

"I like you a lot too" he laughed 

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A/N: Sorry this update is not super long, but I've been working so i just wanted to post something.      

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