You shouldn't make promises you can't keep

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Sehun's P.O.V

The next few days were a blur. I couldn't really focus on anything, all I could think about was my brother. I miss him and I really hope he is okay. I don't remember much of the days, it practice and M/V shooting everyday I know that much but everything else just kind of doesn't register with me. I can't remember the last time I ate or the last time I slept since my mom told me about Jinso's accident. I know that my members are worried about me, but at this point I just don't care. We finished yet another day of practice and I just headed straight to my hotel room after words. I opened the door and crawled into bed, curled up in a ball and just layed there. I heard the door open and close and I felt the bed shift under me. It was probably Baekhyun. He crawled up next to me and layed his head down across from mine. He just stared at me, didn't say a word he just looked at me. After a few minutes I saw tears forming in his eyes. I reached out and placed my hand on his cheek. I wiped his tears away with my thumb and pulled him close to me. I layed his head on my chest and held him tightly. 

"I'm sorry Baekhyun" I said softly 

"Sorry for what?" 

"I know your worried and I haven't exactly been acting like your boyfriend"

He pulled away from me and gently kissed me "I don't care about you acting like my boyfriend Sehun. I want you to be okay, that's what I care about" 

"I'm okay Baekhyun. I promise" I faked a smile 

"Don't lie to me" He slowly sat up "I hate it when you do that" 

"Do what?"

"Pretend like everything is okay when it's not" I could hear the anger in his voice 

I sat up next to him. Silence filled the air between us. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. After a few more moments he turned off the light and went to sleep. How did I manage to fuck up the best thing in my life? I sat there for a moment before getting up and leaving. I put on a hat and face mask, put my hood over my head and wondered. I didn't know where I was going, all I know is that I want to be alone, away from everyone and everything. 

Baekhyun's P.O.V 

When I turned over I noticed that Sehun wasn't there. I sat up and turned on the light. I looked for a note from him saying where he was going but there was nothing. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. Where did he go? I opened the door and looked in the hall but he wasn't there. I texted Chanyeol and he said that he had not seen Sehun since practice. My heart started to race. Where did he go? I pulled out my phone and called him. 

*You have reached the voice mail box of Oh Sehun. Please leave a message after the beep* 

"Sehun it's me. Where are you? Call me when you get this" I ended the call and waited 

My heart was racing, I was worried. I could hear the thunder rumble and the rain drops slowly start to pick up in pace. I called him again. 

*You have reached the voice mall box of-* 

And again 

*You have reached the voice mall box-* 

And again 

*You have reached the voice mall-* 

And again 

*You have reached the-* 

"Answer the phone Sehun. Please just answer the phone" I grabbed my jacket and hat and headed to the front lobby. I pulled out my phone and texted him. 

*Text messages* 

"Sehun. Where are you?" 


"Answer me" 

"Are you okay?" 

"Please answer me"

"Where are you?"

"I don't know" 

"Are you okay?"

"I'm worried about you" 

"Why did you just leave" 

*End of text conversation*  

I waited for a response, but he never answered me. I looked out the front doors of the hotel, at this point it was raining so hard I could barley see. I was so worried about him. I tried calling him one more time before going to find him. 

"Answer the phone Sehun. Answer the phone" I paced the lobby 


"SEHUN! Oh my god. Are you okay? Where are you? It's pouring outside." 

"Woah Baekhyun" He giggled "You're talking like really fast"

"Are you drunk?"


"Sehun where are you?" 

"Uhhhh. I'm outside at a park or something I dunno"  

"Stay there. Don't leave okay? I'm coming to get you" 

"No! It's raining you might get sick"

"Stay put Sehun" 

I hung up the phone and headed towards the closest park I could find. I walked for about ten minutes before I came to a small park. Sehun was sitting on the bench, his head looking up at the sky letting the rain run down his face.

Sehun's P.O.V 

I let the rain run down my face as I sat on some park bench. It was so quite. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I looked down to see Baekhyun clinging to me. 

"I thought I told you not to come. You're gonna get sick" I took off my jacket and held it over him so he wouldn't get wet

"Are you kidding me Sehun?" He looked up at me, his eyes puffy from crying 

"What's wrong?" I questioned 

"I thought something happened to you" He cried and hugged me

"Nothing happened Baek. I'm fine"

"Your sitting in the rain at 3 in the morning, drunk. I don't think your fine. Stop pretending everything is fine" 

I pulled him off of me and rain my fingers through this wet hair. I smiled and kissed his forehead gently. I sat back and looked up at the sky. 

"Can I tell you something?" I spoke softly as I looked at him 

He nodded with his big puppy eyes 

"I'm scared" 

"Scared of what?" 

"I'm scared of loosing you" Tears rolled down my face 

"You're never going to loose me Sehun. I promise" 

"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep"  

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A/N: This update is kinda short, more dialog than anything. Like I said I don't really know where I'm going with this story right now so. Let me know what y'all think. I'll try and update again soon. 


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