You owe me, so promise me

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Baekhyun's P.O.V

I don't remember getting off the plane. The last thing I remember is falling asleep next to Sehun. When I woke up I was laying in a hotel bed. I looked around and saw no one. I saw Sehun's stuff and mine on the floor next to the bathroom, but no Sehun. For some reason I felt sad not waking up to him. I got out of bed and put my shoes on. I went to grab my phone when I saw a sticky note stuck to it. 

"Hey baby, when you wake up we are all in Suho's room. It's room 112" 

Seeing that made me happy. Anything Sehun did made me happy. I folded the sticky note and put it between my phone and my case. I shoved my room in my pocket and headed to Suho's room. When I came to room 112, I knocked on the door. The door swung open to reveal a very drunk Chanyeol. He hugged me and dragged me to the couch. 

"You sir *hiccup* need to catch up" Chanyeol slurred 

He handed me a shot glass and looked at me with puppy dog eyes waiting for me to take it. I smiled and downed the drink. It burned a little, but Chanyeol kept handing me shots so I kept taking them. About 6 shots in, I started to wonder where Sehun was. Me, Chanyeol, Kai and Chen were all on the couch drinking. D.O and Suho were cooking and Xiumin was playing video games. Where was Sehun? 

"Where- where is Sehun?" I stuttered 

"Sehun is on the phone in the bathroom" Xiumin said, never taking his eyes off the T.V 

I got up and started to head towards the bathroom to go see what Sehun was up to. As I passed Xiumin, he grabbed my arm. 

"Hey Baek, his phone call it- it sounded pretty serious. I think something happened" His voice was full of concern

My heart began to race faster and faster. What happened? I hope Sehun is okay. I walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the door. There was no answer. I was going to knock again, before I heard Sehun whisper. 

"I'm over here Baek" He was still on the phone. 

I walked over to the bed room and sat on the bed. I heard pieces of his conversation and it sounded bad. 

"You can't just tell me he got hurt and then tell me I'm not allowed to see him." Sehun was getting mad 

"I'm coming home" Sehun practically yelled 

I got up and grabbed his hand. He looked at me with tears in his eyes, and smiled. He mouthed "I'm okay" but i knew he wasn't. I head his mom yell on the other line. She said something about "He is fine and you have better things to do" Sehun got frustrated and hung up the phone. He walked over to the bed and put his head down. I walked over and stood in front of him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and layed his head on my stomach. I held him close and ran my fingers through his hair.

"What's wrong baby?" I whispered 

I could hear his slowly start to cry

"What happened?" I pulled his face to look at me, and wiped his tears

"My brother he- he got into an accident" He was breathing heavily "And my mom told me that I had to stay on tour" He started crying harder "She wont let me see him until the tour is over" 

At this point he was crying to hard he was going to be sick. I felt horrible, I can't imagine how it feels. I help his tighter as he cried. I bent down so we were eye level with each other. 

"Baby, look at me" I pulled his chin up and dried his tears with my sleeve "It's okay, I know it hurts but I promise everything is gonna be okay." I smiled lightly and kissed his forehead 

"I just want to see my brother" His tears soaked the edge of my sleeve 

"I know baby, I know. Listen let's head back to the room okay?"

He nodded and stood up, wrapping his arm around me. We walked out into the living room. Kai, Chanyeol and Chen were all asleep on the couch and Suho and D.O were still cooking. I lead Sehun to the door. 

"I love you Sehun!" Xiumin yelled as we opened the door

We walked down the hall back to the room. When I opened the door, Sehun went straight to the bed and curled up in a ball. I layed down next to him and put my hand on his cheek. I kissed his forehead and wrapped my arms around him. 

"Why did she tell me?" Sehun suddenly asked 


"Why did my mom tell me about Jinso's accident if she wasn't going to let me see him"

"Sehun, she knows how much your brother means to you. She also knows how much your career means to you. She told you out of respect, but you know she's right. If you leave in the middle of this tour manager is gonna be mad and the fans are gonna question why your not there. You can't tell them the truth because you know that Jinso doesn't want his life in the news like ours is."

He sighed heavily before responding "Do you remember when you woke me up to go eat?" 


"Remember when I said you owed me something and you agreed?"

"Of course I remember Sehun" 

"I want to cash in that favor now" 

I looked at him confused "What do you want?" 

"I want you to promise me, that you won't leave. Promise me that even when things get hard you won't leave me the way everyone else does" 

"I promise you with my entire heart Oh Sehun, that no matter what happens I will never leave you" I said as he wrapped his arms around me 

"Thank you Baekhyun" 

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A/N: I honestly have no clue where this story is going, but ya know whatever. Let me know what y'all think 

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