Chapter 1

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Word Count: 2053

Art paintings that had taken hours to create covered the walls of my room like they were wallpaper. One painting caught my eye - a little girl with her back to the viewer, holding a sledgehammer that probably weighed more than her. The only colour other than black and white being the pink dress that stood out like a sore thumb. Splattered pieces of paint covered the light-wood panels on the floor. Did I do that on purpose? Hell no. But it still looked pretty cool.

I would go into detail about what my room looked like but I don't think you want to hear about the mess that would soon resemble my life. Tiredly, I made my way over to my wardrobe; I didn't know what to wear. Still half asleep, I picked out a pair of hot-pants, a black vest top and a leather jacket. This wasn't my usual attire but I thought that it would be best if I dressed for the occasion. My black platform high heels clanged against the wooden panels most people would call the floor as I walked over to the vanity in the corner of my room; it was so conveniently placed next to my window which rarely let light shine through it since I can never be bothered to open my blinds. Okay, maybe I can be bothered, I just don't want to; it would also be pretty pointless to open my blinds at this time.


Almost time for me to leave. Before I left, I made sure that my charcoal black hair looked decent enough for going outside. 'Tonight was going to be a good night.' I thought to myself as I strutted downstairs and out of the run-down house.

There it was. My trusty jet black Camaro. The bloodlust was getting stronger; it was nothing I couldn't handle though. The old leather seats were amazingly comfortable and the hum of the engine ran through me like the blood in my veins. The brilliant white lights shone onto the road ahead as the car began to move to my unknown destination.

Once I had decided where the best destination would be, I pulled up next to it and parked my car in an empty space. In order to make sure that my car wasn't noticeable, I pressed the button on my car keys and turned the lights off. 'Sinners' was a strip club in the middle of town. I walked over to the side of the building and leant against the wall; there was sure to be someone desperate enough to go looking for some fun outside of a strip club even though they know exactly what's through the doors a few meters away. Waiting, I leant against the wall and held my hand in front of my face and looked at my raven black nails.

Seconds seemed like minutes. Minutes seemed like hours and finally, a drunk victim caught my eye. Smirking, I walked over to the poor unfortunate soul, the smell of the alcohol already burning my nose. I grimaced before seductively waving the man who was far too drunk for early on a Monday morning. Not to my surprise, he obeyed and stumbled over to me.

"How much?" He slurred before giving me £20. A devious smirk made its way onto my face before I slammed my lips onto his. The smell of the alcohol still repulsed me but I chose to ignore it. After minutes of kissing this disgusting man, I went on to kiss from his collar bone up to his ear lobe. Soft moans escaped his mouth and I chuckled a bit against his neck.

I had waited far too long and I was getting impatient. "Don't make a sound." I whispered after biting his earlobe, being able to compel him with just my voice. My veins began to burn as the bloodlust got stronger; I almost couldn't handle it. My nails grew and my eyes began to burn as the whites of my eyes turned to a blood red. Fear was evident with his facial expression - he opened his mouth and tried to do the impossible, scream, shout possibly, maybe cry for help.

He was a sitting duck. I loved it. "Awe... don't worry. I'll try to make it quick." I mocked him, bringing up my hand to his neck. My now fully lengthened nails tore through the front of his neck, effectively cutting his trachea in half. The aroma of the blood instantly hit me and I was taken aback by the amazing scent. Blood now covered both my face and the brick wall behind me. It was now or never. Okay, who am I kidding? I had all of the time in the world. My teeth began to grow to a point as my bloodlust began to hit its maximum.

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