Chapter 8

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Ronnie POV

"Ah... I thought I smelled new blood here. And now that we've established that you're here, I'm left with only one question. Why?" Lucien said as he sat down on the white leather loveseat and put his foot on the coffee table.

"My Boss sent me. We need help with something and there may be something valuable in it for you." I replied, smirking at him a bit towards the end. "But you know, you and your son look wayyy too busy..." I added, emphasising the 'wayyyy' in the hope that it would help my argument in any way possible. If this is what the boss wanted, I couldn't leave without some sort of agreement with Lucien.

He interrupted me. "Valuable? How Valuable?"

"Well... my Boss is one of the richest people in America if not, the world. But that's something you'll have to take up with him once you help us."

Lucien sighed and a look of deep thought spread across his manly face. His brown, bushy, eyebrows scrunched together as he thought. He was measuring out his options; thinking of the pros and cons of working with me (not that there were many pros, nor cons. Except for the fact that my competitivity meant that I always won.) "Sit. Do you want a drink or something to eat?" Lucien asked politely, which he hardly ever did. It was almost too polite.

"No thank you. I don't really want to be poisoned or be stuck in one of your little traps." I replied, remembering the multiple times he tried – emphasis on the word 'tried' – and failed to kill me. "So do we have a deal? You get to work with my boss and I to take over the town, then you negotiate what you get in return with my boss." I explained.

"Oh yeah, and why don't we just try taking over the world after that? Maybe take over mars too? Oh wait, there isn't any way that we could do that with the numbskulls that your boss and I are being forced to work with. How on earth do you expect to take over the town with other supernatural entities noticing and trying to plot against your glorious plan? With the amount of supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills, they would be able to kill you and your boss in a heartbeat and I wouldn't think twice about helping them." I rolled my eyes, sitting down on the couch cautiously (as you can see, I don't exactly have a reason to trust this guy considering the fact that he just threatened to kill both me and my boss).

I put my feet up on the coffee table and gave Lucien a look that told him that I wasn't going to give up. "Do you really think that I'm stupid enough to not think about others trying to stop the plan? Really? We've had this thought through for years! There are literally no faults in this plan!" Lucky for me, arguing is my strong point and I could have sat there for hours until he sided with me. I ended up leaving out the bit where I didn't entirely know what the plan was. That was up to my boss.

A small smirk grew onto Lucien's face and I wondered what was going on in that devious mind of his. "Fine. On one condition." He replied after a long and painful pause.

I was getting fed up with people and only siding with me if they had one or two conditions. "No." I replied, interrupting him as soon as I heard the word 'condition'. "No conditions. You're siding with me and I think that I've given you an amazing offer. No conditions." I added, getting a bit frustrated.

"No conditions, no help, love." He said simply, speaking to me like he might as well be God almighty.

I glared at him for a good five to ten minutes. "Fine. What's the condition?"

Lucien paused for a few seconds, adding to my curiosity. "You..." He pointed at me and smirked. "You have to help me with something."

The last thing I wanted to have to do was to help Lucien with one of his idiotic plans. "And that plan is?" I asked, the fact that I was already fed up with Lucien evident in my tone of voice.

"You've got to help me and my son find the most powerful witch coven."

A small laugh escaped my mouth. "And what makes you think we'll be able to find them? They're the most powerful witch coven in the world - which, may I add, is a pretty big deal. They're not stupid and I'm not going to let any of us walk into one of their traps."

"Oh, but you see, my little one, I've been tracking the Bell witches for years now." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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