Chapter 6

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Word Count: 2188

Ronnie POV

It was Saturday. Unfortunately, I still hadn't found out what the Boss' plan was so far, I still hadn't thought of how I could get Bethany to focus more on the Boss' plan, and I still hadn't figured out who killed that group of teens in the cemetery last night. I mean, I don't sleep, so that gives me at least 7 hours to do as much as think about any of that and come up with a solution to at least one of the problems. It may be a bad solution, but a solution is a solution.

The more I thought about what happened in the cemetery, the more my confusion grew; it just didn't add up. Bethany and I were the only Heretics in town (the only Heretics that I knew of in Beacon Hills anyways). What if the boss thinks it was me? The caretaker did see me last night - what if they saw me on the CCTV? 'Great. I guess I'll just be a fugitive on top of all of the other things that people like to call me on a daily basis. Maybe I could call Ash. Yes. I'll call Ash.' I thought to myself. Ash was one of the only people that could easily get my mind off of something without even knowing what that 'something' was. He was my best friend.

After searching for Ash's number in my phone, I pushed the call button and waited for him to answer. It didn't take him long to answer; only until about the end of the second ring.

"Hello?" Ash replied, the greeting sounding more like a deep and comforting hum than anything else. There was something that I liked about his irritating - yet melodic- tone in the morning. I just couldn't put my finger on it. I felt bad for waking him up, but if I hadn't called, he wouldn't have gotten up at all that day.

"Hey, Ash? I was wondering if you wanted to go to the cinema or something today, you know, to get our minds off of school and stuff." The words seemed to fall out of my mouth like a waterfall. There was a slight pause and there was some rustling in the background of the call.

"Yeah, sure. Maybe we could go to see the new Avengers movie." Ash had been to see that movie three times already. How he had the money, or the time, I do not know. It had only been out for about two weeks. "Oh, and can we go to that ice cream parlor that we always go to?" There was a sudden excitement in his voice once he mentioned the ice cream parlor. He sounded like a little kid on Christmas, just with a way deeper voice.

I rolled my eyes jokingly (I knew he couldn't see though). "When do we not go to that ice cream parlor? We go there like every weekend." By the tone of my voice, it sounded like I hated the ice cream parlor; which I did. The place was actually quite nice once you got inside. It's just that I can't eat 'human food'; it tastes like putty and I always end up puking it all back up at one point.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me young lady. You know you love that Ice cream parlor." Ash tried to make his voice sound a bit more feminine; making him sound like a mix of my old math teacher (she's retired now) and The Rock.

A laugh escaped my mouth. "How do you know I rolled my eyes?" I asked curiously, raising an eyebrow as I did so.

"I heard it." Ash simply said before adding "I'll meet you outside Costa in half an hour." So that gave me until 10:30 to get ready.

I was about to reply saying 'okay, see you there' but Ash hung up before I could do so. He must have been going to get changed. Whereas, I didn't really have to get changed. I wanted to, but I didn't have to. I walked over to the wardrobe that I used far more than the average person should and began the decision of what to wear.

After about 10 minutes of deciding that I liked something, putting that piece of clothing back, then deciding I liked something else, I finally decided on an outfit. The outfit consisted of a navy and pink floral dress (yes, I can dress girly as well as like the eternal, Gothic beauty that I am), a light blue denim jacket, and my old, worn down, beaten up converse that were basically hanging together by a single thread. My make up had smudged a little bit so I reapplied my eyeliner and mascara; I also put on some coral lipstick to match my outfit.

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