Chapter 2

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Word Count: 1759

Ronnie POV

The smell of my Starbucks iced caramel macchiato with a double shot of espresso filled my nose as I drove from starbucks to school. Basically, heaven to hell. This was a daily routine for me - except for on Saturdays and Sundays, do you really think that I would go to school voluntarily on a Saturday or Sunday. Of course not. No sane person would want to spend an extra two days being put through the torture that that school puts its students through. You probably think that I'm being ungrateful and everything, but I've already been through school. I'm only going back because I want to seem normal.

Reluctantly, I stepped out of the Camaro and picked up my black Michael Kors bag. As soon as I stepped out of my beautiful car and slammed the door shut, I began to walk over to the entrance of Beacon Hills High School. Beacon Hills High School was quite an old building, and a surprisingly big high school considering how small the town was. Seriously, I'm sure each person must have at least two or three kids for there to be this many people in this school. Just as I passed the sign that said 'Beacon Hills High School', Ash walked over to me. You see, Dane was just about the only person I could tolerate in this hellhole.

Ash doesn't look like your typical american teenage boy. Golden blonde curls covered his head; they almost covered his dark brown eyes. Combat boots were on his feet. Black jeans clung to his legs and he had a black and grey stripy Nirvana top on. I looked at him as he walked over to me and noticed something. He was doing that thing again. I rolled my eyes at him when I saw the lit cigarette in his mouth and he saw my reaction.

"What are you doing? And don't hit me with that 'it's a metaphor' bullshit. We all know it's just a coverup so that your parents don't ask about it when they find a box in your jacket pocket or something." If it was anyone except for Ash I wouldn't be bothered, but Ash doesn't know what he's throwing away. He has a choice to live a normal life and he's literally buying his way out. I sighed when he didn't say anything. "I thought you said you would stop." I added, a bit frustrated that he lied to me. He said he would stop smoking last year and it's like he hasn't even tried.

He took one more puff of the cigarette before putting it out; he dropped the cigarette into the bin and turned to me. "Happy now?"

"Yes. Very. Now please tell me you'll at least try and stop?" We began to walk into Beacon Hills High. The halls were pretty dull - the only colour being the pale blue colour of the lockers. The walls, the ceiling, and the tiled floors were all a light cream colour and reminded me a bit of white chocolate which didn't really help when I was sat in class only being able to think about white chocolate half of the time.

After a long pause, Ash finally replied with his husky voice. "If I stop smoking, will you stop mentioning it?" Ash obviously was still half asleep because there was absolutely no logic in what he just said. Then again, who, except for me for obvious reasons, wouldn't be half asleep at 8:30am?

"If you stop smoking, I won't have to keep mentioning it because you will have stopped smoking. Honestly, tomorrow, please try not to forget the left half of your brain. You would be doing us all a favour." We finally got to our lockers - luckily, Ash's locker is only 3 lockers away from mine. After putting in my combination, my locker opened and I grabbed my books for first and second lesson. I would have put my bag in my locker but do you really think I would trust the school lockers with anything?

Caroline POV

The sun beamed through my bedroom window, unfortunately waking me up from my blissful sleep. Tiredly, I walked over to where the light was coming from and opened the blinds. Today was going to be a good day. My feet hit the fluffy white rug. Sighing, I got ready before waiting for my best friend Jessica to come to pick me up. My blonde curls cascaded down my back, light blonde highlights now showing because of the sunny weather. I did a simple smokey look for my eyes to make my green eyes stand out a bit more.

Minutes later, Jessica pulled up outside my house in her white Mercedes. Jessica's family was rich. And by 'rich' I don't just mean that they can afford just a bit more than your average working class person. They can afford way more than that. Jessica's family is the type of family that when you go over to their house, you don't want to touch anything in case you break it because it's probably just as expensive as the house itself. The reason for this is because Jessica's dad is a famous fitness coach; he's one of the best in the world. Celebrities come from multiple different places just to work with him. Plus, her mum is a movie director, which means that when the amount that both parents earn is put together, it's a lot of money.

Smiling, I walked over to Jessica's car and sat down in the passenger side. Everything in this car was perfect - everything matched. Black leather coated pretty much the whole inside of the Mercedes whilst the white on the outside probably blinded most people with how bright it was. Everything was the same, every day, in this car. The same Royal Pine car freshener hung from the mirror at the top of the car, easily masking the scent of the leather. The same route to school each day. The only thing that was never the same was the conversations. Jessica and I seemed to have all of the gossip before everyone else in the school and this was our only time to share it with each other without anyone else having the chance of hearing.

About 10 minutes later, we finally got to school. I didn't mind school to be honest, it was just another reason for me to make myself look good. My ankle boots hit off the floor before I stood up, grabbed my bag and closed the door. People were already flooding through the school entrance in order to get to their lockers. Jessica and I strutted over to the school entrance and did the same as everyone else, except, we didn't put our bags in our lockers. Do you really think I'm stupid enough to put my Michael Kors bag in a school locker? It was almost impossible to hear what Jessica was saying because of the amount of people being way too loud; I could just hear her rambling on about how amazing Nicole's party was and how she didn't think anything could top it.

"Yes Jessica. I know. I was there. But I know my party will top Nicole Smith's party any day. Believe me, it's going to be awesome." Jessica's face immediately lit up. She knew I was going to have a party, but nobody else did. It was my 17th Birthday and the whole school was going to be invited. Everything was planned; all I needed to do was hand out the invitations that everyone was just dying to get, or would be dying to get. There was no doubt that my party would be better than Nicole's and even Nicole knew that. Nicole is one of those people where if something doesn't go her way, she will beg and beg until that thing does go her way. Luckily, I'm a stubborn person.

The first bell went and everyone began to walk to their first lesson which was, for me, maths. Sighing, I strode into my maths class and sat down at my seat which happened to be right in the middle of the class. This guy called Ash sat right next to me and not going to lie, he wasn't the worst looking person; actually, he was probably one of the best. The lesson began to go on and from time to time, I would ask Ash how to do a certain question, pretending that I had got stuck. Most of the time, this type of thing would work if I liked a guy and it usually worked when I was trying to get Ash to talk to me. However, my plan wasn't working today.

"Caroline, can you tell me what the answer is to the question on the board?" Miss Hallat's voice snapped me out of my trance that I had been in for the past ten to fifteen minutes and my head snapped up so I could see the board. "If 12x is 36, what would 'x' be?" Miss Hallat asked me. Obviously I knew that the answer would be three. But was I really going to give up most of my reputation for answering a dumb maths question right?

"12?" Miss Hallat frowned when she saw my confused expression, knowing that I knew the answer and me being a 'dumb airhead' was just an act. Miss Hallat sighed before going on to ask the second question to someone else. All I could think about that lesson was prom and how Ash wasn't talking to me as much as he usually does. Ash had to go to Prom with me; I would do anything to get him to go. His little friend Ronnie can't go though - I can't have her screwing things up with Ash and I. Now wanting the news of my party to spread around the school, I discreetly pulled out my rose-gold IPhone 6 and started texting Jessica about my devious plan to get him to go to prom with me.

Jessica: Why can't you just ask him to go to prom with you?

Caroline: He'll say no. No guy wants to be asked to prom by a girl.

Okay, maybe I was wrong there. But I had always dreamt of being asked to prom - I didn't think that I would have to ask someone. My dress was already picked out, I had decided what shoes, what jewellery to wear and how I would have my hair and makeup for the night; the future prom queen had to look perfect. 

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