Chapter 4

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Word Count: 2047

Ronnie POV

1 hour. That's how long it took me to get home from school in the car because of traffic. It usually takes me 30 minutes. Tired and frustrated, I walked over the unwelcoming welcome mat, opening the dark, wooden front door. My bag fell onto the floor next to the shoe rack and I pulled out my phone to see if I had any important messages. A lot of the time I didn't have any messages; it was better to check though in case I had any changes of plan with my boss. I had never actually seen what my boss looked like, nobody has except for the boss themselves. However, if I did get any messages, it would probably be from Bethany wanting to know when I need to meet her for something. If the boss needed to talk to me, they would talk to me face to face or they would send someone else to talk to me. The boss didn't like to talk over text messages; they don't think it's very effective.

Still a bit frustrated with Caroline, I walked towards the living room as I thought of a plan. Bethany and I couldn't keep the boss waiting any longer and whatever we planned to do would be a big part of the boss' plan. Someone had to concentrate on executing the plan, and obviously Bethany wasn't going to do it. The only way I would be against the plan would be if it included Ash. He doesn't deserve to be pulled into any of this and as long as he doesn't find out anything, he should be left alone. I stopped walking over to the living room when I found that the light was on; I was the only one that lived here. The boss made sure that we all had separate houses so that nobody would get suspicious and we could keep an eye on different area's of Beacon Hills. Slowly and cautiously, I walked over to the living room door. The living room had cream coloured walls with dark wood panels for the floor. On the right wall was a black and white fire place which then faced a black leather couch. A black and white rug with an Aztec pattern covered the floor between the couch and the fireplace. A simplistic coffee table sat in between the fire place and the couch.

This chair had it's back to the door and I could easily see that someone was sat there. Their right hand would tap on the side of the seat and they tapped their foot on the floor. They held a glass in their left hand, full of blood and they would occasionally take sips of the blood. The smell traveled up my nose; my first instinct was to go and drink the blood, but I had to refrain myself from doing that. They had been waiting for me. And 'they' happened to be my boss. A sudden urge of confidence flowed through me and I strolled over to them, sat down on the leather couch and put my feet on the wooden coffee table. I didn't actually own anything in this house - my boss paid for it all since I couldn't get a job and have time to help them with the plan. "That table's Italian." My boss suddenly perked up to say after one minute of me being there.

I chuckled a bit and looked at my black leather combat boots. "So are these boots. I think they go quite nicely with the interior don't you think?" I joked, however, the boss wasn't finding it funny at all and I could instantly feel the aura in the room change. Suddenly feeling slightly inferior, I cleared my throat and took my feet off the coffee table. He wasn't here just for some special occasion, he wanted to know about the plan. He was here for business.

"Get Bethany and come back. I need to know about the plan." Not wasting any time, I ran out of the living room before heading over to Bethany's house. The woods was the quickest way to get there without running into anyone and most likely decapitating them because of the impact, so I took that route. Since I ran at speeds that no human could even dream about achieving, I got there within 15-20 seconds. 'She better be here.' I thought to myself before knocking on the door. To my luck, the door opened. Unfortunately, it wasn't Bethany. It was Jessica. I glared at her with hatred as she smiled back at me.

"Is Bethany here? I need to talk to her, now." I asked Jessica. She obviously didn't know that I wasn't joking around when she replied with a shrug. After rolling my eyes at her, I pushed past her and walked into Bethany's house. Ignoring Jessica's complaints, I followed Bethany's scent to the kitchen where she stood baking some cookies.

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