Chapter 3

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Word Count: 2016

Ronnie POV

It was lunch time at Beacon Hills High School and I was sat with Bethany around the back of the school. Bethany is a heretic too - we needed to talk about how we would keep the town at peace but also get what we want. Which was obviously to feed. The back of the school wasn't actually that bad. You could easily see the field where the lacrosse team practiced; let me tell you, most of the lacrosse team aren't that bad looks wise. To my right there were people campaigning for Prom King and Queen whilst other students just went through their daily lives; only caring about getting a C or above on that essay that they spent the whole of last night shitwriting in the hope that they would pass. Oh, they all had no idea what was coming.

"Ronnie, we've been at Beacon Hills for 6 months. That's half a year." Bethany was on her phone, scrolling through twitter as she pointed out the obvious.

"I know how long half a year is Bethany, I'm not fucking stupid. Now get off Twitter and start thinking of a plan. Actually, don't tell me the plan until after school so we know nobody will hear us."

Bethany was quiet for a bit before locking her phone and looking at me. "So how are we going to take-" She was about to mention the plan; I glared at her, making her immediately stop what she was saying. Bethany cleared her throat. "Right. Don't talk about it yet." Bethany was silent for a bit and I was actually enjoying the silence for once. Unfortunately for me, that didn't last long.

"So what are you wearing for Prom?" Jessica Arris - one of Caroline Gilbert's minions asked way to excitedly for my liking. It annoyed me how all of these girls like Jessica and Caroline were only bothered about what they would be wearing to prom and who their prom date would be. I'm not really planning on going to prom; there are more important things that I could be doing with my time. Bethany however, Bethany is like a child on a sugar high when someone does so much as mention prom. Bethany's face had already lit up because she over heard Jessica and Caroline's conversation about it.

"My mum's friend is having a dress specially made for me. It's going to be absolutely perfect." It was easy to tell that Caroline wasn't going to give anything away about what her dress looked like - however, Jessica was determined to know before anyone else. Jessica was supposed to be Caroline's best friend after all.

"No... I meant what is it going to look like?" Jessica added, trying to pry the information from Caroline. Caroline only rolled her eyes and continued walking. "I only want to know so that we don't end up wearing the same colour, Care." It was evident that Caroline was beginning to get annoyed with Jessica now, and this I wanted to hear.

Caroline's hair almost whipped Jessica in the face when Caroline turned around. I was surprised she didn't give herself whiplash to be honest. "Why do you have to know everything Jessica?! Can't you see that I don't want anyone to know?! It's pretty obvious but you keep being your annoying person that you are and trying to find out about what doesn't even include you! I don't care what colour you wear to prom! The colour I'm wearing wouldn't even suit you anyways so can you just shut up for five minutes?! Jesus Christ, you don't need to know every detail about my life. And don't call me 'Care'" Caroline spat at Jessica before storming off, her heels slamming onto the ground as she did so.

Everyone was silent. Everyone had been listening to their conversation; I wouldn't be surprised if you could hear it in Australia. Jessica's face was bright red with embarrassment. Jessica was about to shout something back at Caroline but realised that Caroline wouldn't be able to hear her over the sound of how selfish and self-centered she was. Bethany and I tried to hold in our laughs as Jessica attempted to comprehend what had just happened.

Jessica looked around at everyone as they all held in their laughs and people started imitating what Caroline had said. I have to admit, I did feel sorry for Jessica. But I couldn't show that; it would make me seem weak, and that is the last thing I need. What I needed was to make everyone think that I'm completely innocent. Or innocent enough so that other supernatural beings don't suspect me. But I couldn't be too innocent. That would make people suspicious too. What I need to be is normal. That shouldn't be too hard as long as nobody sees me at night - which I highly doubt.

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