Chapter 6: Kings of the Ice

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"Stay away from her!" My being froze at the familiar accent, 'V-Victor?!' No sooner had the sound of his outraged but calm tone reached my ears had my body figure out that I had been shoved behind his new grown body. As he and my worst enemy exchanged fiery words in Russian I observed his new body. Victor didn't change drastically since the last time I saw him all those years ago, he grew taller, stronger, and even I had to admit he did grow up to be a very handsome man. Movement caught my eye as Yuuri stood tall next to Victor and shouted at Victoria in Japanese. My mind was whirling as I stared at a completely different person than I did back when I lived in Japan, Yuuri...was a man. Yuuri had lost his baby fat and his chubby cheeks gained some muscle, and become somewhat more confident!

The sound of blades slicing through the sheets of ice pulled me from my daydream, Victoria was cursing up a storm as she and her followers skated off the ice. When they were all off the ice she clutched her guards, placing them on the blades of her skates she locked eyes with me and said some words that chilled me to the bone, "I will always defeat you. After all, you are nothing but the retarded orphan that can't do anything right." I glanced at the ice and then I remembered something Alfie once told me, standing up I raced towards her and turned sharply spraying her with ice. I stood tall and I replied, "Someone once said to me quote 'be strong when you are weak, brave when you are scared, and humble when you are victorious' end quote." She studied at me with something in her eye, something I had never witnessed before, but I think it was a little glimmer of respect.

With a nod of her head, she and her supporters left us in peace. Exhaling a breath of relief I turned around and locked eyes with Victor, skating forward a little he recognized me and asked, "Amourie...состоит в том, что вы?" ( that you?) My eyes widened 'he remembered me,' my hands were trembling, covering my mouth with my hands I nodded. He beamed flashing me his flawless teeth and skated until he was toe to toe with me, opening his arms I propelled myself forward and embraced him with all my might. I could feel the tears on my skin but I didn't care, peering over his shoulder Yuuri was attempting to not cry as well and I opened an arm and he raced over to us and had a group hug. Closing my eyes I grinned, I was finally reunited with my past friends, but one question lingered in my thought, 'could I really win? Well, there is only one way to find out.'


😘 Guess who's back! Finals week is this week for me, so here's a chapter for all you students wherever you are in this world! Good luck, and if you have any ideas for the next chapter don't hesitate to leave a comment below! (And yes I read every single comment!) Shout out to LizzieRose_YT for inspiring me to write this chapter and continue working on this masterpiece of mine.

👼Wings of an Angel👼 HETALIA /YURI ON ICE CROSSOVER!( OC X Spain)Where stories live. Discover now