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- Kids Are Alright :: chloe x halle

"Workin' ain't no nine to five, California thats our vibe."

Max's P.O.V

It was exactly nine-fifty three, and Mike was supposed to pick her up twenty-eight minutes ago, but knowing Mike he probably bailed. It was past her bed time, anyway, she thought about just going to sleep, the Mayfields sleep awfully early.

Then, she heard a loud tap on her window. It wasn't that loud, but loud enough for her mom and Neil to hear.

She rushed to the window, to see a annoyed Wheeler. She opened the window and the ground met her feet.

"You could've knocked Wheeler, I'm not high up." Max rolled her eyes, as she followed him to his car. There really wasn't much of a point of trying to make chit-chat. Mike was being really stubborn and didn't want to talk her for anything. When Max opened the door to get in, she mentally felt that Mike was disgusted by her. Max tried to ignore it, but it was hard. She would've paid good money for anybody else to pick her up.


When they arrived, as soon as Max opened the door, the smell of weed cancer sticks, plain cancer sticks, and alcohol intruded her nose without a knock. Without waring. No one had to told her there was going to be that type of stuff, but, they probably assumed she'd already been to a party.

When she got out, she froze. How was she supposed to like, go in? Did she just walk in or...? She was more clueless then a bird leaving its nest.

She waited for Mike to head in before she did so, he just walked right in, so Max did the same thing.

As soon as they walked in, Mike turned around sharply hovering over her. "Don't tell anyone you know me!" Mike hissed. Max felt those words go in her ear and out the other. She was gonna get wasted, so if someone asks something they'll get an answer from Drunk Max. The thought made then end of her lip curl up. But, Mike didn't need to know that. If anyone found out anything she'd much rather have it take Mike by suprise.

"Whatever," She managed.

She took a few steps up before bumping smack into Jane. Jane turned around, giggling like the air was filled with laughing gas.

"Maaaaaaax!" She slurred, the heavy alcohol intruded Max's little nose door one again, only coming back stronger. She was more drunk then Max could've possibly imagined. Jane Hopper, drunk? It was still hard to take in. This whole new Jane is hard to take in.

"How much Blue Moon did you drink?" Max asked, pronouncing her words sharply. Jane almost fell over, but she caught herself, giggling some more. "H-how..." Jane paused, trying to remember what she was going to say. Typical drunk idiot, Max thought to herself, although she knew she was going to be exactly like that in a few minutes, probably worse. "H-how do you-" Jane said you very sharply, pointing at Max. "know what I was drinkin'?" Jane asked, she seemed upset, but she was laughing ever so hardly at the same time. "Thanks to Neil, I know my drinks better then ever." Max said, almost proud like, even though it was nothing to proud of, really. "Wh-who?" Jane slurred, but cut herself off before she could respond. "Nevermind. If you know you're drinks, h'come you're alwaaaaaays sober?"

Max grinned. "It won't be like that for long."

She grabbed Janes wrist and lead her to where the drinks are. Max took a deep breath.

"What can easily get me wasted?"

Jane, giggling as usual, giggling, pointed to the vodka. Maxs eyes widened. She knew highschool partys where pretty wild but she didn't think they'd have vodka. Max bit her lip nervously. "Maybe something less." Jane walked away from her and came back with a red cup. As soon as Max got it, she almost dropped it. She didn't expect it to be filled up that much. Max gave Jane a look.

"What? You wanted to get wasted right? Who wants you to go back and forth for seconds? And thirds... And fourths... And fiths... And si-" Max cut her off.
"I get it." Max said. She then sniffed making sure it wasn't vodka, then talking a large chug or her drink.

Wow!, She thought. But her amazed smile soon turned inro a devious grin. She already felt great from the first three to seven seconds "chugs".

More and more going down the hatch. Max was drinking it like it was her air. Jane grinned the walked away, where she began grinding with Jason. Max swore to herself if she didn't have this drink she'd be sick from seeing that.

Cheers to our dear friend alcohol.

She giggled, and made her way upstairs. Where most people where getting laid. Max had no reason to be going up there, but she did. All the rooms where taken but one. And Max took the last one, for no reason. She left the door wide open, laughing her heard off.

She sat down and began to sing The Itsy-Bisty Spider.

Then someone came in, closing the door behind them.

"W-Wehhhhh..." Max stuttered, giggling more and more.

"Wheeler?" She laughed.

Sorry this is chapter was really bad D:

•°wrong cup of tea°• ::madwheeler:: //AU//Where stories live. Discover now