
393 17 7

- Boys :: Charlie XCX

"I was busy thinkin' bout-"


End of the story.

To Max anyway.

That was why she thought Lesbians where one of the smartest people in the human race.


As Max entered her school, she shuddered at the thought of Mike and Jane, the thought that kept her up at night. A horrible relationship that Max couldn't stand. Why didn't they just break up with each other? Was there something she didn't know?
As Max arrived to her locker, she convinced herself she was stressing herself over nothing. It wasn't her problem. After all, it's their fucked up relationship, that she had no part in. Well, if Mike left her alone then she wouldn't.
But, with her luck, as soon as she calmed down, he was at her locker. He tried to make eye contact but only failed terribly, which was ever so embarrassing, luckily, none his "buddy's" saw. Max was to busy trying to make it look like she was busy.
"Max." He said softly. The way he spoke made her want to melt, let his voice rest in her head, fall into his arms and never let go.
Practically shaking, she answered. "Y-yes?" She coughed, still, and facing her locker.
"Max... We had something. Something that me and Jane never had-" Mike tried to touch her, but Max quickly backed up then slammed her locker, this time facing him.
"No. We. Did. Not! You have a girlfriend, Michael! We simply kissed, and obviously disrespected Jane." Max shouted causing looks darted their way. But she didn't care, it was wrong.
"Goodbye." She muttered, walking away in disgust, partly proud of herself. Usually she didnt yell, or get the last world no matter how mean and sarcastic she was.


Caleb arrived at the lunch table with his girlfriend, Zoë. Her arrival was the least thing that made Max uncomfortable, but watching Mike and Jane feed each other food, did. As if things could get worse, Zoë sat right right next to her, trying to make conversation.
"So..." Jane smiled widely, dragging her voice. "I got us invited to a crazier party!" She smirked. Everyone seened excited except Max, who gave a long and loud sigh. Dustin, like the obnoxious comedian he is, just had to comment.
"Max, you've gotta learn how to sneak out." He smirked, causing the whole table to laugh like he was a one in a kind comedian who deserved and award for his jokes, but really, he was some idiot desperate for laughs so he comments on everything. Or jn Max's eyes, anyway.
"For your information, Dustin." She said darting her eyes at him. "I did that last time. I just don't want my ride to be a cheating imbecile." She hissed, but obviously, no one got her message. "I told you, people know when you're looking at their answers you dufus!" Caleb said, half-joking. Mike did cheat a lot, which was to the point where the teachers didn't care because no punishment effected him. Eveyone laughed their oddly loud laughs that made Max want to pull her brains out again.
Jane looked at Mike with puppy eyes, defying Max and begging him to give her a ride. See, in Janes head, Max and Mike have to be best friends. That was her stupid goal. A goal that Max couldn't cope with, but a goal Mike was trying to make happen, but the only difference was they'd be way past best friends but then. But he had to take baby steps, which he didn't like. Mike looked in Max's direction, locking eyes and seeing her eyes of anger, instead of a beautiful ocean, he saw a monstrous hurrican, which slightly scared him. "I'm down with picking her up." He said, smiling and facing his girlfriend. Or hopefully soon to be his ex-girlfriend.
"See you at ten." Mike said, assuming the party was at ten, then getting up to leave. Might I add for no reason, they had another twenty-four minutes in lunch.
Max looked at Jane, slightly coused. "Yeah, the party's at ten." She smiled sweetly.
'There she is...' Max thought, smiling slightly. 'There's the old Jane!' Max had liked the old Jane, even though she was a jealous bitch for a couple of days, more like weeks but whatever, Max and Jane preferred people to say days. Max got over it though. Thats what normal teen girls felt, jealousy. As their friendship grew, Jane became more and more normal. And started to hate being called Eleven, so she banned people from saying is unless they're telling time or doing math. The only reason people listened is because she could kill them with one nod from her head. She also started haninging out with ither normal teens. But like, fifty-five percent of normal teens make bad choices, and instead of hanging with the other good fort-five, she had to chose fifty-five. And thats how we got the Jane today. An alcoholic slut. She was still nice, at least.


Max convinced herself she was going to get drunk and have a good time. And stay as far away from Mike as possible.
When she got in his car, she felt her brain explode. She thought she had mentally prepared herself for the long car ride, but she was wrong.

But to make matters worse, not only was the place far away, but Mike kept going in circles a few times so he could still try to talk to her. And she gave him his wish, just not in the way he wanted. She told him 'Shut up,' and 'Choke on your spit, Wheeler.', but at least she was talking to him, right?

She she got out, her nose invited all of the weed cancer sticks, regular cancer sticks, and strong liquor in. She might've not been ready for Mike, but she was ready for this party. She thought it was stupid to dump all of her feelings into drinks, but that was what she was about to do. Dump all her worries and things that stressed her out, kept her up at night, even, behind her head, and let the drinks take over her mind and body, leaving everything else high and dry. Until the hangover let's them back in, that is.

Max ran out of the car, leaving the door open becuase she didn't care. She saw Jane grinding with the same guy. Max almost laughed, she saw Jane with that guy a lot more then she did with other guys. She showed more commitment to him thrn Mike, which was odd.
She then walked over to Max and smiled.
"Maaaaaaaaax!" She slurred with zero point zero balance whatsoever. "Do you have Vodka?" Max bit her lip. "N-..." Jane started. "D-do I?" Jane paused, then waved her cup in Maxs face, causing some to spill. "Do that sniffy-sniffy stuff you do!" She giggled.
'What the hell is sniffy?' Max thought, giving Jane a disgusted look, even though she knew thats exactly how she'd be in a few minutes, hopefully sooner. Max snatched it from her, wasting a bit, but she Jane didn't care. She was drunk. After taking one sniff, she knew it wasn't Vodka.
"Good, it isn't... Can you pleeeeaaaase get me a full cup of that drink. And no vodka!" Max said, as if she were supervising Jane.
"F-fine." Jane said walking away, leaving Jason bumpung and grinding with another girl.

Despite how disgusting that whole B&G thing was, asides from that, shs could get used to these party's.

1265 words long!! Made it extra long for you guys.

~ Bayls 💕🌹🌻🌸🌼

•°wrong cup of tea°• ::madwheeler:: //AU//Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin