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- Fetish :: Selena Gomez ft. Gucci Mane

"I push you out and you come right back."


Mikes eyes widened as if he saw a ghost. "Max!" He said in shock. "Yes?" Max answered in her best "totally-not-drunk" voice. "This a room for getting laid!" He hissed.
"The-... Then wah-why are you here?" Mike bit his lip nervously. "We can try tomorrow, Betty." He whispered-shouted as he waved someone away.

Surprisingly enough, Mike actually went over to Max and sat by her. He got a smell of her breath and began to wish he just threw her out so his fun could continue. "Max Mayfield... Drinking?" Mike joked.
"Mike Wheeler... Cheating!" Max hissed. The room temperature changed. It was suddenly icy cold for the both of them. Everything seemed to be much more still. All because Drunk Max opened her big mouth. As if things couldn't get any odder, they both got under the blanket, together.
Max smiled. "Who the hell is Betty, anyway?" Mike froze. "Wheeler, you're far to handsome to have sex with a random hoe." Max smiled, Drunk Max smiled an awfully lot, especially around Mike. That was new, but again, she was drunk. She spoke so clearly she almost seemed perfectly sober. Maybe Drunk Max wasn't speaking. "Is that so?" Mike smirked, leaning over her. He hadn't had sex in three weeks, and that was pure torture to him. Mike would always stoop to as low as non-passionate sex. Just a quick "Fuck-&-Go" he calls it. She nodded with her eyes closed, as if she was enjoying the moment. But Sober Max was screeching no, and she was out tuned. Mike was more or less a player. "Would I be kissing a random hoe, if I kissed you?" Mike leaned in. Instead of responding, Max grapped Mike by his collar and kissed him. Very passionately, something he wasn't used to. Like I said, "Fuck-&-Go" wasn't passionate. Mike pulled away, getting a good look at what he was soon going have, finally he didn't have to have sex with his eyes closed shut. Mike pulled back, allowing Max to sit up. She grinned and pulled her shirt off, revealing her tank-top. Mike slid his hand her up shirt, rubbing her stomach in a circle motion, and Max tried her hardest to hold back her back her moan and successfully did. Max threw Mike on the bed and continued to kiss him, he played in her her hair, and pulled, causing her to bite his lip. Mike felt his penis stiffen, which usually never happened. What the hell? He questioned

Max soon questioned herself as well. No, she thought. Mike has a girlfriend for heavens sake! The thought of Jane made her want to cry. Max pulled away from Mikes hold and put her shirt back on. Mike sat up, and rose an eyebrow. "What?" He asked, usually every girl she kissed ignored the fact he had a girl, and even tried to get in his pants.
"You have an amazing girlfriend that's what!" Max hissed. "Amazing?" Mike scoffed bitterly. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Jane Hopper was no where near amazing. "Would an amazing girlfriend cheat?"
"You cheat too, Mike!" Max cried, not out of sadness but this time anger. Why did she feel such empathy for Jane? Then it hit her. Jane let her back into they're circle, and she longed for that ever since she grew away from them day by day. But there was another reason that she couldn't quite figure out.
"Let me enlighten you on our relationship." Mike said coldly. Max fixed her posture. She was very interested.
"El- Jane and I have a very open relationship. I make out with other girls, sure. But Jane? She sleeps with other boys. I saw her making her way down to the basment with Jason. There's a bed down there too."
Max scoffed. "So because Jane cheats, instead of confronting her, you cheat to? And it doesn't matter if you're just kissing other girls. You could be kissing they're hands and it still doesn't make it fucking right!" Max stood up.
"You're pathetic, Wheeler."
She left him, on a perfectly made bed, thinking about what he's done.

On the way to the door, Max saw Eleven coming from the basment with Jason, both giggling crazy and very messy hair.
She almost threw up, and looking at it gave her chills. Max stormed off, knowing the cold, dark, truth about people who seemed to love each other since middle school.

•°wrong cup of tea°• ::madwheeler:: //AU//Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora