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oops I couldn't find a song (did i add because i didn't feel like it?)

Mikes' P.O.V

Do you ever look at someone and wonder why you thought you had a chance of being with them in the first place? Thats what Mike had felt for Max. Meanwhile, he was certain Max gave zero fucks about him. It was all over her pretty face.

He stared at her and rose an eyebrow, and a small smirk grew on his face. He knew he could probably he would get a really bad reaction, but he was Mike and didn't care. "I got us invited to another party." He grinned.

Jane groaned, placing a hand on her throbbing head. "God no."
Mike laughed at her.
Jane had a horrible hangover and couldn't do anything about it. The only way she could get treatment was if she asked Hop for painkillers, and she was a bad at lying. "You should've been light with the drinks , we all warned you." Dustin sneered. "Well- most of us... You get the point!! You did this to yourself." He rambled, causing the brunette to roll her eyes.

"Look!! I'm just not gonna go, you go on ahead without me."
"If Janes not gonna go, I'm not! I didn't even wanna go to the first one." Max hissed, causing Mike to frown. He just needed the redhead to go. She had to, but he didn't wanna say anything and make himself look stupid.

"Guys, please!! I worked hard getting us invited to this party." Mike lied. He was sorta telling the truth, in a way. But begging and whining to go to a rich kids party wasn't really hard.

"Uh.. Mike? I never said I wasn't going!" Dustin hissed, slighty offended the boy hadn't even mentioned him.
"Me too!" Lucas protested, Zoë who was rapped in his arms. "Sorry." The boy muttered, trying his very best not to roll his eyes at the two-... three.

Mike looked at Will, who was unsurprisingly asleep.

"Look..." Jane thought for a minute. "I'll go for a trade of some painkillers." She mumbled.
"What?? You can just go to the store!"
"But I'm broke." Jane started her little rant. "And you want me to go to the party so bad, and I will if you get me some painkillers. It's an easy trade, really."
After thinking for a minute, he finally replied. "Fine! If you get Max to go."

"What?!" The redhead winced.
"Easy enough." Jane shrugged.
"Great!" He smiled widely.

"Why do you even want Max to go?" Zoë piped up, causing Mike to roll his eyes and ignore her.
"Now we all get to go!" Dustin smiled. "What time?"
"Ten thirty." He answered, causing Max to chock on air. "What?"
"Ten thirty...?" he said again.
"Oh. My. God." She groaned, annoyed.

Jane shoved her shoulder. "Chill, we'll take care of your parents if they get in the way."
"What??" Max spat out half of her grape.
"Joking!" She chuckled.

Max cleared her throat. "Okay... I guess. I'll go if Mike can find some stupid painkillers." She muttered.

"Yes!!" Mike squeaked, causing everyone to look in his direction, then burst out laughing causing everyone else in the lunchroom to look at them, confused.
Mike blushed a bright red, although he other things to worry about.

Like how the hell he was gonna get some painkillers.


you're welcome m8's
~ bayls

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