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.^^ Baby Ent in Wild ^^

— Teilen the Dragon —

"Sir Teilen! You are most welcome, sir, the Scholar's have been expecting your arrival for some time now!!!" A pixie appeared as we landed inside the Gates, jumping giddily.

I blinked down at her, and then leapt off of Gwynn, landing lithely in front of him. "Is that so? And what do they think I'm here for?" I teased gently, knowing how the Scholars liked to make the pages think they were able to see the future.

"You want to see the Eagles... right?" He asked slowly.

I blinked. "Eagles? What Eagles? I'm here about the Ent! That can wait, lead me to these Eagles!!!" I snapped, and followed him into the building, after Gwynn dove into my bag.

He squatted in his cave, and borrowed my senses, watching through my eyes as I entered the Living Section of the famous Archive.

The main hall, and the first room, was little more than a filter, for the 28 halls that branched out from there. One for each letter in the basic English Alphabet, where each of the animals or plants whose Scientific Names started with that letter could be found, and also the Archivists' Quarters, which was where all the Scholars, Pages, and staff lived.

We headed down A, for Avian, and ended up in a particularly massive room, filled with a plethora of avian species's. The most majestic of all, a Female Roc, caught my attention, as well as the several eagles around her, the ones I'd read about from America.

Gwynn exited my bag in a clap of thunder, showboating for the female no doubt, and then sidled over to her carefully.

She hummed, interested, and surprised me by growling in her throat when he got too close. "That's close enough, Elf."

I stopped moving, realizing she'd meant me, not him. "What's your name? I am Teilin the Dragon, and this is Gwynn, my friend."

She sniffed him, and hummed. "He is young... 2 years?"

I nodded. "Close enough, yes."

She nodded, then swatted him with her wings lazily when he got too close. "Mind yourself, chicklet!" She snapped, and then grumbled when one of the Scholars chided her gently in his tongue, an Elven tongue I couldn't place, despite understanding.

I blinked slowly, staring at him. "What tongue is that, Elf?"

He grinned. "So asks the Halfling speaking it fluently! 'Tis an African Language the Elves influenced."

I nodded, and looked at the smaller Eagles. "You've taken my idea, it seems... trying to mate the Roc with the American Mighty Eagle."

He shrugged. "It isn't working, of course. She's mightily picky."

"As well should I be, I would protest! I am one of the last of my race! I will not allow my bloodline to ultimately culminate in some loathsome, misbegotten Brood!" She snapped at him, and turned to pout.

I smiled, shaking my head. "And I thought Zzzackara was a handful. At least Gwynn cares more about his own children than the line as a whole. Either way, I must be going, I've got an Ent to interrogate." I waved a goodbye, and walked out, though Gwynn stayed, casually flaunting the things he'd stolen, then replacing them inside my bag when he'd shown them off enough.

She seemed more interested in the magic he displayed, summoning and sending different objects through the fabric of reality. After a few moments, she sidled closer casually, and watched with wide eyes as he summoned a cow's bones from my kitchens, and then just as casually resurrected the cow.

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