921 42 23

May 22, 2018
5:36 AM

(Y/N) joined the chat


Gerard🍋: What


Gerard🍋: k


Gerard🍋: yes

(Y/N): come over

Gerard🍋: why tho

(Y/N): I'm horny and I wanna fuck

Gerard🍋: isn't that was porn is for

(Y/N): actually I'm just bored and want someone to go to Starbucks with me

Gerard🍋: Can't we just meet up at Starbucks

(Y/N): OH

(Y/N): well yeah ok

5:42 AM

"Out of all the Starbucks, you picked the one that Hayley works at?" Gerard stated as he stood next to me in line. Who knows why there was a line at almost six in the morning, not me. "Hayley's my wife for when I need my wife to make me a sandwich," I replied as Gerard shrugged. "Ew, the rats of emo land," Hayley remarked as she saw the two of us. "Suck my dick," I rolled my eyes. "Unfortunately, I am on shift, not allowed to," Hayley gave an sarcastically apologetic shrug. "Why did you choose the earlier shift anyways?" Gerard asked, moving forward one step, then backwards one step over and over again. No one was behind us, so we could just stay in line. "I didn't choose," Hayley answered, cracking her knuckles. "Well that's unfortunate, but you should probably give us pre-paid sugary caffeinated drinks and change so we can go to school."

12:04 PM

"No! I refuse this defeat!" Brendon shouted, throwing an apple across the lunch room for some reason. Everyone at our table watched it fly until it hit a lunch monitor in the head, and we all quickly turned back around. "Anyways, where's Ryan?" Dallon asked, rubbing the back of his neck. "Who knows," Halsey replied, tapping her nails on the table. "I'll be back my dudes," Gerard stated, standing up and walking away. "Anyways, did you guys hear about the-" Brendon cut himself off when he felt his phone vibrate in pick right back pocket of his faux leather skinny jeans. Almost immediately, he pulled his phone out, checking it. "Uh- so, (Y/N), can you come here for a second?" Brendon somewhat stuttered, putting his phone back into the same pocket it was previously in. "Okay.." I cautiously walked over to him at he stood up, looking down at me. "What do you want.." I asked, as he picked me up. "No!" I shouted as he put me over his shoulder. "This isn't okay!" I shouted once again as Brendon let out a chuckle. I looked back at the table of my friends who looked to be amused. "What's happening?" Patrick asked as the table of teenagers all shot their eyes at him. Well, besides Gerard and Halsey. "Ohhhh," he realized, nodding, as they all either nodded with him or rolled their eyes. Brendon started to walk out of the lunch room and through the hallway. "Where are you taking me, rat!" I punched his back as he wheezed. "You literally just knocked the wind out of me," he coughed, but continued to walk through the empty hallway. We then went passed the music room, where in the doorway, was Gerard accompanied by Halsey. Gerard and Halsey were having a conversation about who knows what, as Halsey looked over at me for a second, focusing her attention back on Gerard. I'm guessing Halsey pointed Brendon and I out, or Gerard noticed she looked away, as Gerard looked slightly over his shoulder, back at Halsey, then made a double take.
"Where are we going!" I asked Brendon once again, as he continued to walk, not replying to my question.

Ugh, rat boy.

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