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2:37 AM
Mikey + (Y/N)

Princess: hey you can come over now if you want I'm pretty sure everyone's dead asleep
Seen at 2:37 AM

Prince: alright

Prince: I have a feeling you didn't open your window

Princess: I did

Princess: I pretty much do it every night at this point because you just don't know that doors exist

Prince: I'll be over in five minutes at the most

Princess: okay
Seen at 2:39 AM

2:40 AM

"Hey princess."

I turned my head to the window as Mikey stood in front of it, walking over to my bed to sit next to me.

"Hey," I turned my entire body to face him as he sat next to me, the mattress dipping where he sat. "So," he sighed, wrapping his arm around me, very tightly may I add, almost to the point where it was heard to breathe.

"Yes?" I looked up at him, examining his face.

His eyes were puffy and red, and his lip was quivering.

"Hey, have you been crying?"

Mikey looked down at his legs, pulling me closer to him as he sighed. A very long, loud sigh, might I add.

"(Y/N)," he gripped my shoulders as I looked up at him.

"What are you acting so weird for?"

"Goddamnit, I can't do it," he let go of me and laid down as a few tears filled down his cheeks.



"Tuh-Tuh-Tuh-Today, junior."

"I'm breaking up with you."

"Wait- what?"

Mikey sat up and looked at me, tears staining his pale cheeks.

"Please don't cry, please, I can't stand to see you cry."

"It's too late," I managed to say licking my lips and picking up the salt from the tears that caught if my lips.

"I'm sorry."

"But- why?"

"I can't date you if Gerard likes you- I just can't live with knowing he has romantic feelings for my girlf- ex-girlfriend."

Ex girlfriend.

Fuck, I never thought hearing those words would be the ones breaking my heart.

Fuck, Mikey.


Besides the sniffling and unsteady breathing, everything else was silent for about two hours.

Two fucking hours.

"I really wanna fucking kiss you right now."

I looked up at him, sort of confused.

"Then fucking do it, question mark?"

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Cause," he sighed.

"The hardest part of this is leaving you."

September 7th, 2018
8:37 AM

"ALEXANDRA MAYA CLAIRE REYNOLDS, YOU ARE LATE FOR SCHOOL, GET THE FUCK OUT OF BED!" My mother shouted as I scrambled and fell out of bed. "ALRIGHT, MOTHER!" I shouted back, untangling from the sheets.

12:03 PM

As I walked into the lunch room, I looked over at the lunch table (Y/N) usually sits at.

Brendon, Pete, Patrick, Dallon, Tyler, Josh.

No (Y/N), no Mikey, no Frank, no Ashley, no Gerard.

Where the fuck have they all been for the whole week?!

I swear to god, (Y/N)'s gonna get kicked off of student council for too many absences if she isn't here on Monday.

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